May 4, 2018

4 May 2018

Double Devon Cup Winners!

Yesterday evening I travelled to Plainmoor, the home of Torquay United, for the U16 Devon Cup Final against Torquay Academy.

It was fantastic to see how well our boys were supported by so many students, staff and parents that had come to cheer them on against a large home support.

It was an incredible game of football, really worthy of a cup final, with both teams showing great determination and a love of the game. Every single one of our boys worked incredibly hard and never gave up and in the end won the game 3 – 2.

This is a significant achievement for our Year 11 team against such a high quality side who for several years have been successful. Furthermore it is a fairy-tale ending for the team as they head off to complete what could be their final exams at DHSB; they leave winning both the Plymouth and Devon Cups. Well done!

Earlier this week it was the turn of our U14 boys who took part in the Devon Cup final in Newton Abbot against Torquay Boys Grammar School.

After a superb performance by all, with a winning hat trick for Mackenzie Toms, DHSB won the cup 3 – 1. Congratulations!


Our Young Enterprise team, LiNK, made the most of a great opportunity this week when they were invited to make a presentation at the Plymouth Dementia Action Alliance meeting. The team met many leading figures including three senior officials from the government of Macau.

We wish LiNK all the best at the Devon Finals this weekend.

Student of the Week

Students can be nominated to be recognised as ‘Student of the Week’ for a variety of reasons. Joey, Harry, Andrew and Joshua all received this award during the last half term and received an invitation to ‘Lunch with the Head’ with Mr Coombes today.

Joey Van de Griend 8S – For stepping up as goalkeeper at short notice and playing very well in a recent school football game showing great teamwork and commitment.

Harry Groves 6AJD – For his commitment to the coaching of many school junior sports teams.

Andrew Smith 6WB – For his commitment to his leadership role within school and his work as a great role model to younger students.

Joshua Bellamy 9P – For showing resilience and a positive attitude.

School Chess Champion

Congratulations to Parker Caleshu 8P who has just become the 2018 school chess champion.

Here are this year’s complete results.

First with 21 points from 21 possible, Parker Caleshu

Equal second place – Jamie Seow, Fintan Riley, Samarth Mishra and Owain Fitzsimmons

Excellent Work

Our Excellent Work this week has been submitted by Miss Walker and features work from James Saxby, Joseph Henderson and Sam Perkins 7S who were asked to produce a token of remembrance to commemorate an inspirational leader.

James and Sam created bio cubes explaining the key details about an inspirational leader and why they are considered inspirational. Joseph made a wonderful poem detailing the life and work of Martin Luther King.

Ten Tors Training

Well after 7 months of arduous training across Dartmoor in sometimes quite hostile conditions all three of our teams have now complete their training walks.

Saving the best for the final outing our 35 mile team nailed their navigation putting in a great weekends training. It is now up to the team to rise to the challenge that is Ten Tors 2018- putting into practice everything they have been taught.

Our students are in top shape having undergone an extensive and demanding winter training schedule. Please come and give your support to them on what promises to be a fantastic Ten Tors 2018.

We’ll share information about tracking our school teams in the Head’s Blog next Friday.

Mr Ames and Mr Clifford

DHSB is recruiting!

We’re looking for the right people to join the staff at this outstanding school in these three roles.

Teacher of Computing and Director of the DHSB Learning Commons

IT Network Manager

Lunchtime Supervisor

More information is available on our recruitment webpage; please share this with your family and friends.

Thank you.

Sports Update


Well done to Hele’s School who beat our Year 7 team 2 – 0 in the Plymouth Cup Final. It was a good match.

We’re looking forward to the Year 9 and Year 10 Plymouth Finals next week.


Congratulations to Tobias Leung 11E who won two silver medals at the annual U17 Badminton English National Championship over Easter, narrowly missing out as the national singles and doubles champion in England.

As well as the FZ Forza sponsorship, Tobias has just been nominated as one of the “Everyone Active sporting champions” in the UK. Current champions include Olympic medallist Max Whitlock (gymnastics) and Alex Danson (hockey).

Future Events

7 May – Bank Holiday (school closed)

8 – 11 May – Year 9 exam week

8 – 11 May – Year 12 exam week

9 May – PTFA meeting

11 – 13 May – Ten Tors Challenge

14 May – GCSE & GCE summer exams start

25 May – Final day of summer term one

26 May – 3 June Half Term

4 June – First day of summer term two (B week)

4 – 8 June Year 7 exam week

9 June 11+ Familiarisation tests (admission by pre-collected entry pack)