Jan 8, 2021

8 January 2021

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Despite the not so normal start to the term I personally believe that the start of a new year brings new hope and positivity for the rest of the year ahead.

I think we have a challenging few months ahead but I also know that we will get through it by continuing to pull together as we have done in many different ways over the last year.

Although it seems like a long time ago I want to reflect on the end of term which was really enjoyable. As we ended the year we had some very merry virtual whole school events such as the Carol Service and Speech Day.

Our Refuel team did a brilliant job of putting on all of the Christmas lunches for students and staff and on the final day of term, as I walked around the school, I could see that the live whole school Kahoot quiz, the visit from Father Christmas and our special staff Christmas video were all really enjoyed by students and staff.

Thank you to everyone who helped to provide these events which made such a positive end to the term.

Examples of Excellent Work

Ms Brown has sent us this example from a Year 7 sustainability project which asked students to make a clock using reprocessed single use plastic and reclaimed timber.

She said this clock, made by Joseph Wells 7S is a great example of creativity, a clock for the bathroom.

Ms Cunningham said her Year 13 Maths students were using Desmos to learn about parametric equations at the end of last term.

She has shared this example of their work which was created by Angus Cotton and Fred Westhead both in 6RNC.

To Conclude

To conclude the Head's Blog this week I would like to convey my sincerest thanks and appreciation to our students, staff and to you - our families. I have been incredibly proud of the response from everyone since we have entered the new national lockdown this week.

Our students have once again embraced and fully engaged with remote learning despite the individual challenges they face and I have been particularly impressed by the maturity and improvement in the collaborative aspects of lessons compared to the last lockdown.

Our staff are continuing to work hard to provide the highest quality teaching and learning whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum offer for all.

At home you continue to provide support for your child/children and great support to the school, whilst juggling the challenges of work and your own home situation.

Thank you.

Dan Roberts
