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2 November 2018

Year 11 students and parents were invited to the Strategies for Success evening yesterday to help them in their preparation for the forthcoming year.

This was just one of the events arranged during the year to guide Year 11 students through to the summer when they will take their GCSE exams.

Mr Martin and Mrs Edwards explained how to survive the exam season, the importance of mindset and how to manage personal wellbeing throughout the forthcoming months.

Ms Davidson talked about our Sixth Form and some of our new Year 12 students spoke about the experience of their own journeys through last year.

Mr Berryman then explained about the exam process and all that the exam season entails in addition to how this is managed at school.

The PowerPoint presentations used on the evening will be available for you to view and download from our school website in the Year 11 letters and documents folder.

Any student in Year 11 wishing to sign up for a workshop aimed at providing some support with exploring revision strategies (and was unable to do so on the evening) should email Mr Martin directly to express an interest. The sessions will be run on Tuesdays 6 and 13 November.

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Grease is the Word

Rehearsals are going well for our school production of Grease due to be staged in the Edgcumbe Theatre from Wednesday to Friday next week. Tickets are selling fast so please contact Mrs Armstrong on Monday if you wish to reserve seats for any of the three evenings. ( or 01752 208787).

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Excellent Work

Our example of Excellent Work this week has been submitted by Mrs Sheridan, Teacher of English.

Mrs Sheridan said, “I am sending you this article written by William Hargreave 9P as an example of a persuasive article. Will chose the topic, and exceeded expectations in his research and his control of language as he expresses deep seated personal views”.

Here’s Williams’s first paragraph for you to read.

Brexit. The spoiled numbskulls running the pathetic excuse for a “professional” organisation should be ashamed of themselves, give it two or three years then we can blame Brexit for all of our everyday problems – mainly drawing attention to us British children suffering the consequences of terrible careers due to terrible education due to terrible school funding! Brexit is just an all-around terrible idea! Do you see the image below? Well that picture is actually a comparison with people who voted for Brexit (on the left) and on the right were areas affected in 1992 by the Mad Cow’s disease. How Ironic.

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To the person who runs the Brexit negotiations – calm down, take a deep breath and hold it for an hour. There are way too many ways in which Brexit is ruining your everyday life. Naming all of them will be a difficult burden to bear and also cause me to die of old age. So here are a few that really need to be paid attention too.

Noah’s Handmade Hearts Bake Sale 2018

Noah Evans 8C has sent me this report about his recent and ongoing fundraising. Thank you Noah and well done.

As some of you may know, I was born with a heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. In its simplest of explanations, I only have half of my heart. I have had four open heart surgeries to enable my heart to work, albeit differently from a normal heart. Because of this, I have difficulty with energy levels. What may be for you, simple tasks; such as walking upstairs; playing sports; and walking in general, can often be troublesome for me.

Thankfully, those of us with HLHS and similar conditions are not alone. There is a charity called Little Hearts Matter ( that provide help and support to families with children and young people with half a heart. Being the only UK charity of this type, they provide a support line, supply information packs, arrange links between families and much more.

I am proud to be a member of LHM’s Youth Forum and I have been holding fundraising events for a number of years. As with any charity, they require money to continue their outstanding efforts. I have raised over £2,500 for them over the last four years.

This year, on Saturday 20 October, I organised my third Handmade Hearts Bake Sale to raise money for LHM. We baked cakes, cookies, and brownies as well as making heart-themed crafts (keyrings, tea light holders, Christmas decorations) and invited people to make donations to buy them.

We managed to raise £736 (and counting!).

Noah Evans 8C

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Alumni News

Former students Fred Andrews and Max Phillips have recently set up a new business and are  transforming The Leaping Salmon in Horrabridge into a popular destination for food and drink.

If you are a former student with a story to tell then please contact my PA Sarah Nicholson to be included in our Where Are They Now feature.

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And finally

We’ve been asked to help publicise an event aimed at anyone wanting to find out more about becoming a teacher.

Plymouth Teaching School Alliance (PTSA) is hosting an event with a range of teacher training providers from the South West, for you to train as either a primary or secondary teacher.

Sports Update


Mr Manley says it has been a “Fantastic start to the year at DHSB with all year groups in the third round of the Schools Football National Cup”.

This includes the Year 11 team who took a 5 – 1 win over Liskeard in round two this week.

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It was also “A fine win” for the 2nd XI who beat Plymouth University VIIs 2 – 1 in the cup competition this week to reach the semi-finals.

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Well done to the DHSB U15 Rugby team. The team beat Tavistock College 50 – 7 yesterday afternoon.

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Future Events

Wednesday 7 November – Whole school assembly on the theme of Remembrance

Wednesday 7 – Friday 9 November – School Production (Grease)

Friday 9 November – Year 8 interim report

Wednesday 14 November at 18.00 – PTFA AGM

Thursday 15 November – Learn2Live presentation (Year 12)

Friday 23 November – Year 7 interim report

Saturday 24 November – Gold DofE Day Walk

Saturday 24 November – PTFA Cardiff Shopping trip

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