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23 November 2018

This week in the Head’s Blog I’d like to share some individual student successes as well as bringing you a round-up of what’s been happening at DHSB this week.

Well done to Isaac Souray who won his category at the Plymouth Festival (12 – 14 solo acting).

Isaac has also taken Grade 2 Acting with LAMDA and passed with a distinction. He is pictured here with the Blanche Starling Trophy.


Congratulations also to Cameron McCance who took part in the RAF Air Cadets Junior Football National Championships at RAF Cranwell. His team, which represented the SW won the championship!

Edward Daw was invited to take part in the guard of honour at the England v Japan match at Twickenham with his club (Liskeard Looe). Well done Edward.

Aled Griffiths featured in the Plymouth Herald this week. Please use this link to read about his aspiration to be Plymouth’s next Paralympian. We wish Aled all the best as he strives to fulfil his ambition.

Alumni News

We’ve enjoyed receiving replies from former students who have been awarded Speech Day prizes and we’re looking forward to hearing about their first term away from DHSB when we see them in December.

This message from George Irving is typical of the thanks we have received.

“Firstly a big thank you to you and all staff at DHSB for all the help in allowing me to be writing this email sitting in my room at Jesus College Cambridge with this view out of the window. My time at DHSB was truly amazing. [The school] really is a great place to be”.

181123 George

We’re always grateful to receive support from former students especially when they can give advice about various career paths. This morning Ms Moreton tweeted,” Great to welcome back three of the class of ‘74 to talk to Year 10 and the Sixth Form. Huge thanks to Nick, Graham and Mike”.

181123 Alumni

Peer Mentor Interviews

Ms Moreton has also been busy supporting the Peer Mentor interviews this week.

Well done to all students who put themselves forward for this important and rewarding role.

181113 Peer Mentors

Charity News

Well done to students from 8N who successfully staged a ‘Fabulous Bake Sale’ which raised almost £80 for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

181123 Cake Sale

Edison House is leading a collection for Plymouth Foodbank as part of Edison charity week and Ben Adams has asked me to share this message with you.

“Many people with financial problems cannot afford the most basic necessities of food and provisions, and with the festive season upon us it is imperative that we as a school community support those who are in need. As part of Edison charity week we will be accepting donations of food, drinks and toiletries to take to the Plymouth Foodbank/Oasis Project in Stonehouse. The Foodbank are in particular need of long life milk and fruit juice, tinned fish, biscuits and male toiletries, but all donations would be greatly appreciated so that we can make a difference to as many people as possible. Donations can be handed into the Edison office or placed in a box in any of the Edison form rooms by Friday 7 December”,

Excellent Work

Our Excellent Work this week has been submitted by Miss Randles. Her Year 8 Geography class was asked to individually devise a question about the school site. They spent a lesson collecting their data and then presented their work.

Rick de Wilde and Archie Chalk both asked, Where is the best place to sit at break 2?

Milo Bedford asked, Which location in school has the strongest Wi-Fi signal?

Please click on each student’s name to see their work in more detail.

181123 Rick de Wilde

181123 Archie Chalk

181123 Milo Bedford

Whole School Assembly

This week’s assembly was led by Mr Macleod and was designed to draw attention to those people who are prepared to put their futures at risk in order to stand up for those thing which they believe are right.

The assembly included Olly and Jaydon from 7C telling the story of three sportsmen who had put their careers on the line in order to do what they thought was right.

Next Fintan, Year 12, told the story of Australian athlete Peter Norman who was ostracised by the Australian Olympic committee for supporting African American athletes Tommy Smith and John Carlos in their anti-racist protest against racism at the 1968 Olympic Games

Mr Macleod then suggested that it would be wonderful if everyone who was taking part in a sporting event this weekend followed the lead of the French Rugby team in wearing rainbow laces to show solidarity with Gareth Thomas who was the victim of a recent homophobic attack.

Matilda, Year 12, updated us on Malala’s education crusade and also introduced Taibeh Abbiasi a refugee living In Norway who has been supported by thousands of Norwegian students as the Government tries to deport her to Afghanistan.

Finally the school Amnesty group provided an update on the cases they were involved with last year.

New Minibuses

We’ve taken delivery this week of two new, very shiny, minibuses which will be used to transport students to activities and fixtures.


And finally

Year 11 students have started their mock GCSE exams which continue next week. The rest of the school will be involved in our annual Curriculum Challenge Week.

Please share in this by checking the Twitter hashtag #DHSBCCW each evening where you should see a wide range of images and activities.

Sports Update


Congratulations to the Year 11 football team who progress to Round 5 of the national cup after beating Callington 4 – 2.

181123 Year 11

Unfortunately it was a disappointing afternoon on Wednesday for the DHSB A team who lost 5 – 1 in the Devon FA midweek cup.

181123 DHSB A

Future Events

Friday 23 November – Year 7 interim report

Saturday 24 November – Gold DofE Day Walk

Saturday 24 November – PTFA Cardiff Shopping trip

Monday 26 November – Friday 30 November – Curriculum Challenge Week

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