What an amazing week we’ve all enjoyed.
Six residentials, 71 daily activities, over 700 students and 70 members of staff!
Well done and thank you to all staff but especially to Mr Coombes, Mrs Rasmussen and Mrs Donnelly for bringing the week together.
All our photos are available at the hashtag #dhsbcew. Please take time to look at these; just a few are copied here to give a flavour of what we’ve all being doing this week.
The excitement started last Friday evening at the Sixth Form prom.
Ms Davidson said this was a super evening, organised expertly and with flair by James and Jack Henniker.
Sixth Form Prom 2015

Curriculum Enrichment Week 2015
We travelled to Tuscany

and to Barcelona

We completed our Gold DofE Expedition

and Work Experience placements

We caught fish

and helped with the washing up

We learnt about birds

and snakes

We ate Italian pizza

and cooked our own at Bushcraft

We cycled

we climbed

and we cooked our lunch

We gathered around the campfire in the bush

and in Cornwall

Back at school we printed mugs

threw pots

and started the summer works in the Learning Commons

Staff had fun too

Well, most staff did!

We enjoyed all these activities and many more but most of all we had fun,
learnt new things and enjoyed each other’s company