Our top stories today are the successes of our U16 Badminton Team and the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Team.
The badminton team took gold at the South West Championships on Wednesday and the members of the team are on their way to the national finals to be held in Milton Keynes.
Well done to Toby Leung, Will Freer, Ethan Hunt, Leon Yeldo.
The Junior Maths Challenge Team also won their regional competition earlier in the week.
Ms Cunningham said, “Fab team effort”.
Congratulations to Lalit Kathiresan, Joshua Parker, Samuel Knobloch and James Hills.
Living for Sport
Our Living for Sport project got underway this week with thanks to David Hill, the Paralympian and athletics mentor.
World Book Day
Staff dressed in a fabulous array of book-themed costumes yesterday to celebrate World Book Day. There were special activities in the Learning Commons too.
The Tempest
We will be staging our student-led production of The Tempest on Tuesday 21 March and Thursday 23 March at 7.00pm.
Here’s our current poster and a photo we found from the archives of our 1968 production!
Please telephone the school reception if you would like to book tickets for the Tuesday or Thursday evening.
Excellent Work
Our excellent work this week is also on the theme of Shakespeare and has been sent to me by Mrs Machray.
8C are studying The Tempest and, in order to deepen and challenge learning, the students had to imagine what it was like to be shipwrecked on an island just like Prospero and Miranda. They were encouraged to use their imaginations and respond using both imagery and words.
Alex Rapson
Luke Oakarr
Sports Update
The 1st XI lost 4 – 3 to HMS Raleigh this week despite some valiant efforts and the 2nd XI beat a University side 4 – 2.
Future Events
Thursday 9 March
Year 13 Parents Evening
Wednesday 15 March
PTFA Meeting