It’s been really good this term to see students taking part in activities again including DofE expeditions, house football and table tennis competitions.
For one thing, it is a sign of the potential easing of restrictions and the opportunity for our students to engage in activities that help their social and personal development and have fun!
It is also a reminder of how fortunate our students have been because of the diligence, dedication and resilience of our staff.
From the beginning of the year, our students have had full access to all their specialist curriculum provision. We have provided the opportunity to continue practical subject activities for example in Science and D&T.
At my meeting with Year 7 students this week they told me they are delighted to be at DHSB and shared many examples of their friends at other schools who are not experiencing the same offer as they are.
This is a reminder for me to continue to be proud and grateful for the experiences our staff are providing for our students.
Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Mr Huq said, “Well done to the Year 10 teams who completed their Bronze award last weekend”.
Here are just some of the teams who enjoyed brilliant weather for their expedition.

Sports Update

Last week saw a fantastic turn out for the Year 10 B team House Football says Mr Manley.
Well done to all students and teams taking part in the popular competition.

Bromcom School Information System
Over the past year we have been working on streamlining the way in which we communicate to parents and carers and reducing four systems into one to make it easier for them to see how their child is doing in all areas of school life.
This change is now complete and we have moved to a system called Bromcom.
This is just a reminder to all parents and carers to set up an account using the information received in a recent email from the school.
Excellent Work

Mrs Webb has shared a ‘wonderful poem’ written by Taegan Hignett 8C.
She said, “The task was to write a poem about the experience of being a teenager/young person in 2021 and how adults might not always understand the challenges that they face. Taegan's poem was particularly excellent as it maintained a powerful and direct poetic voice throughout and it's message was poinigent about the experience of being a young person today”.
My Version of The Teen’s Speech
Youth is the key to future success
The successors of the adults of today
The world is a work in progress
The teens must lead the way
We must prepare for what’s ahead
Making sure that were not misled
Into gang culture or taking drugs
So we don’t become a thug
We must educate ourselves and learn from our leaders
We are the ones who are inferior
That is what the teenage years are all about
Having to follow and listen to your superiors
Don’t speak unless spoken too
We have been objectified
You know that it is true
I don’t have to specify
The reason why you subdue
You hold us to boundaries and certain limits
For us to speak opinion, come on we have outgrew
Our younger selves let us make our own decisions
Some have potential to the best in a generation
On the edge of greatness huge aspirations
Some lack concentration and have no motivation
Double edged sword both sides of the teen
Some reach the world scene
Some look at a screen wondering what could have been
Taegan Hignett 8C
DHSB STEAM Club - Poetry By Heart

Over the Spring term a very committed group of students attended this year's DHSB Poetry By Heart poetry recital competition which we held over Google Meet during remote learning and when we returned to school.
This is a national competition with very simple requirements: pick two poems, learn them by heart and recite them in a final performance.
Ms Davarian says she was so impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm of those who attended the sessions regularly as it was quite different to our usual format of meeting weekly to discuss, decide and practise reciting poems ready for the final competition. The quality of the entries was very high and she would like to say well done to everyone who took part.
Special mentions to Oliver Tapp 7C and Otto Malm 8S who were highly commended for their entries and DHSB runner up Caleb Caleshu 8P.

The overall winner was Morgan Martin 8N with his recital of 'The Arrow and the Song' by Henry Longfellow and 'Shakespeare at School' by Wendy Cope.
We are very proud to also announce that Morgan has been selected as a finalist in the national Poetry By Heart competition and will be invited to London to take part in the final! We wish him luck.

Look out for the competition launching again this autumn and also for other STEAM events coming up: #EduArtsFest on Friday 28 May and Moths to a Flame - a project linking art, science and nature linked to COP26 in Glasgow later this year.
Ms Davarian
STEAM Coordinator
PTFA Photography Competition

After sadly having to miss last year due to the pandemic the PTFA are delighted to once again launch their popular photography competition. The 12 winning entries will be published in the PTFA DHSB Academic Calendar which will be available for parents and carers to order.
The PTFA will choose the 12 winners to be published and there will be cash prizes for the top three winners.
First place - £50
Second place - £30
Third place - £20
Students have received an email about this and I’ve copied a few key pieces of information here so that you can encourage your child to take part!
This year’s theme is Lockdown and the photographs do not have to be school related.
The competition is open to all year groups and students may submit up to two photos which must be their own original work
PSHEE Activities

Ms Moreton says it was a relatively straightforward week in tutorial today, with four out of five year groups continuing/finishing off previous tasks.
Year 7 students have carried on with the Emotional Logic sequence of lessons.
Lesson four covers making a plan, planning strategies, understanding bargaining, depression & acceptance and SMART planning.
Year 9 students had their final chance to prepare and film the workplace challenges to be sent off to Babcock, Princess Yachts or Bailey Architects, and Year 10 students are on the penultimate week of the EtonX course on Making an Impact.
Year 11 students are continuing with exam replacement assessments and revision. These assessments will form the basis of their final GCSE grades and are being held in a central location to facilitate all groups taking the test on the same day.
So Year 8 students are the only group to have a fresh subject this week, and they learned about pension planning. it's never too early to start planning for your future!
Year 7 and Year 11 students will have visitors next Friday and this is another step towards returning to ‘normal’. It will be good to welcome visitors again after the most recent lockdown.
Good luck to all Year 11 students taking assessments over the next few weeks, and let's hope the sunshine continues for a bit longer…
Ms Moreton