Careers & PSHE

Careers and PSHE at Devonport High School for Boys
This area encompasses Careers and Work Experience, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, Citizenship and British Values.
In these lessons covering non-exam subjects, students are led by tutors and external speakers to develop the skills and attitudes necessary for their moral and physical well-being, and future economic security.
Mr Scott, our Lead for Careers and PSHE, oversees the PSHE curriculum programme and a CSW Group Advisor provides 1:1 careers advice for Year 11 students and Sixth Form students on request.
As part of our Careers and PSHE tutorial programme we actively follow the Gatsby Benchmarks for Careers also incorporating the CDI (Careers Development Institute) frameworks; utilise the PSHE Association programme of study and promote the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
This programme encourages our students to recognise and develop their own personal values, and to flourish as happy, healthy and useful members of our society.
More information
Links to examples of tutorial mapping for each year group, Gatsby benchmarks, CDI guidelines, PSHE Association programme, and more information on all aspects of Careers and PSHE for different stakeholders can be found on the site link below:
Mr Scott’s Careers and PSHE website
For any further information or details please contact Mr Paul Scott, Leader for Careers & PSHE at
Leadership Group Link: Mr Shaun Manley, Assistant Headteacher -
Link Trustee: Mr Mark Pickersgill