Sparx Homework

Maths Homework on Sparx
All students complete their maths independent learning with Sparx Maths. Sparx is an exciting online platform that provides every student with a personalised maths independent learning experience.
We know that you want to support your child’s maths progress so we’ve put together this information to explain how Sparx works and why it is important to make sure that maths independent learning is 100% completed.
Every student has been shown Sparx and has worked with it to familiarise themselves with the system.
More info on Sparx Mathematics can be found here on the Sparx website at this link and by watching the short video at the foot of this page.
Devonport High School for Boys had been working with Hegarty Maths for some time before we heard of Sparx, and when the two companies joined forces we knew that this new service was worthy of consideration. Sparx maths has now replaced Hegarty Maths and is in many ways a far superior product - but there are a few nuances that we’d like to make you aware of.
What is Sparx Maths Homework?
Sparx provides personalised homework to each child, with questions that are challenging yet achievable, and tailored to their learning needs.
The majority of each week's homework will be based on recently learnt topics, but it will also include some questions from previous topics to help reinforce their learning.
Students access their homework online and get immediate feedback for each question about whether their answer was correct or they need to have another try.
Every question in Sparx has a support video attached so that your child can get help independently.
How you can help your child with their homework
Parental support is fantastic, but over-helping your child may lead to Sparx misunderstanding their level and making their homework too difficult.
Please encourage your child to:
Have a go at the question before seeking help
Watch the videos when they get stuck
Only get help when prompted to do so by Sparx
Try not to help your child with a question until they’ve had a go first. It is essential they try to complete their homework independently so that Sparx can give them questions that are at the right level for them. Remember, they can watch the support videos if they need to.
Encourage them to start their homework early so they can get help from their teacher before the deadline if they get stuck.
Why do students have to achieve 100% completion?
To ensure no gaps form in your child's maths knowledge, homework is not marked as complete until all of the compulsory questions have been answered correctly. This can feel like an unrealistic expectation when Sparx is viewed as an assessment tool but Sparx is not an assessment tool - it is an intuitive learning tool. Sparx is tailored to each child’s level of understanding, and comes with built-in support meaning that every child is capable of achieving 100% in each homework assignment.
The 100% correct completion goal is not a DHSB stipulation - all schools that use SPARX will have the same in place as this is when students will reap the greatest benefits.
Please check the weekly email you’ll get from Sparx and praise your child for starting or completing their homework. Encourage them to finish it before the deadline if they haven’t already done so.
If you have any questions then please contact your child’s maths teacher and they will be happy to help.