On Wednesday we all shared in our whole school assembly, led by Mr Berryman, on the theme of Remembrance.
Mr Berryman chose as his focus this year ‘Why do we remember’ and I have included his presentation for you to watch today.
The assembly included the school roll of honour with names read by Sixth Form students, as is our tradition each November, and time for silence and reflection.
Special thanks to Noah Evans, George Cleeland-Smith and Ms Buckler for helping with the production and recording of the assembly.
Día de Muertos

Two of our A level Art students, Vincent Stevens 13SD and Bethany Robotham 13ACB, recently volunteered to support Marine Academy Primary with their Day of the Dead celebrations, in particular with face painting.
Day of the Dead (known as Día de Muertos in Spanish) is celebrated in Mexico between 31 October and 2 November each year and gives an opportunity for Mexicans to remember their loved ones who have sadly passed away.
Following the event, Mrs Brooking, Head of MFL, received this message from Ms Bell at the school.
She said, “Just to let you know that Vincent and Bethany are an absolute credit to DHSB. They were professional, polite and positive throughout the morning and they did not stop being creative and interacting with the children”.
Pictured are Vincent and Bethany along with two volunteers from DHSG.

Excellent Work

Miss Hunns has sent me an example of Excellent Work to share this week.
She said, “Year 9 students recently took on the challenge of making flaky pastry to create sausage rolls”.
These pictured, made by Ben Huggins 9N, are one of many excellent examples from the class. Ben achieved several layers of lamentations within his flaky pastry, creating sausage rolls that our local bakery would be proud of.

Clubs and Activities
Mr Campbell has asked me to share our Clubs and Activities timetable again as it now includes extra curricular activities in English and Media.
Why not take the opportunity to try something new!
Student News

This week I am highlighting a challenge which Michael Bruce 13ATW has set for himself and four other students, Joe Stell, Sam Follett, Zac West, and Ryan Spink.
Michael said, “I want to let you know about a charity bike that we are doing after our A Level exams. We're really keen cyclists and we're planning on cycling from Land's End to John o' Groats. We are doing this [to raise funds] for a charity, Andy's Man Club”.
Andy’s Man Club is a male suicide prevention charity established in 2016. The charity facilitates non professional peer-to-peer support groups across the UK and Scotland for any man over 18 to attend, providing a confidential non-judgemental space for men to come together to chat about anything they would like to get off of their chest.
You can read more on the students’ Go Fund Me page.
Please support them if you can.
PSHEE Activities

On Wednesday there was a whole school remote assembly on Remembrance, a thought provoking presentation from Mr Berryman incorporating photographs, music, and film as well as information and a chance to reflect.
Today's lessons saw half of Year 7 street dancing as the groups swapped from last week while the remainder had the lesson discussing and learning about dementia.
Year 8 students had an introduction to apprenticeships, an alternative route for post GCSE or A level that is slowly gaining in popularity, especially with the advent of many more degree apprenticeship offers.
Year 9 students began a two week investigation into job descriptions and skills matching based around job roles in the NHS (there are over 350) with the option to enter a national competition, and Year 10 students began their tutor carousel.
Tutors are speaking on a wide range of subjects as usual, from blood donation to man's best friend...I will tell you a bit more about some of them next week. Students will finish the rotation after Curriculum Challenge Week.
Finally Year 11 students are completing preparation for their mock exams which begin next week, and continue through Curriculum Challenge Week. Good luck to all of them!
Ms Moreton

Mrs Kinsella has asked me to share her invitation to the PTFA AGM which is next Tuesday (16 November) at 6.00pm in Refuel.
Please join us if you can, writes Mrs Kinsella. We would love to see you and you would be made very welcome. We have refreshments too!
We need to vote in our committee and officers and would really appreciate your support as a minimum attendance is required. Thank you in advance and I look forward to seeing you.
Please click on these links for the minutes from our 2020 AGM, the minutes from our last meeting in September and the agenda for this year's AGM.
Any questions please email me at beverley.kinsella@dhsb.org
Beverley Kinsella
Sports Update

Table Tennis
Congratulations to the school U13 Table Tennis team who took part in the Devon Schools Team Championships on Thursday and came away as Devon County Team Champions!
Well done.
Also competing were teams in the U16 and U19 age groups showing great representation from DHSB.

U13 Champions

U16 Team

U19 Team
Congratulations to the U14 Rugby side; they beat Hele's School in their game this week.

In football news this week Mr Manley reports another win for the 1st XI team who beat HMS Talent 1 - 0 to remain unbeaten in the Devon Wednesday League.

Mr Campbell added yesterday, "We have football fever here at DHSB with all six pitches used for Year 8 House football which was quite a sight".
Plymouth Police Cadets
PC Deborah Hart, the Youth Engagement officer who oversees the Plymouth Cadets has asked me to share their current recruitment campaign with you
The Plymouth cadets have supported several events including: PRIDE, crime prevention campaigns, Race for Life, Half Marathon, County Lines campaigns and RESPECT festival.
The application process is simple and available online via the following link 13 - 18 year olds | Volunteer Police Cadets (vpc.police.uk and it is open to ages 13 - 18. There are two units in the Plymouth with weekly sessions on the following days during term time only:
The Devonport Unit meets on Wednesday evenings from 18:30 - 20:30 at City College Plymouth.
The Crownhill Unit meets on Thursday evenings from 18:30- 20:30 at Marjons University Plymouth.
PC Deborah Hart