It’s always exciting to welcome the whole school back to work and see everyone in the same place during the first assembly.
There were some clear messages about hard work and enthusiasm leading to achievement as well as a five point plan for success.
Included in these slides are some guidelines for parents surrounding internet access; please read this link to Steve Jobs’ perspective here also.
Have a great year.
New Challenge
If you are looking for a new challenge then consider joining the DHSB Orienteering Club.
The final run of last year’s season was on West Down near Tavistock and Charlie Sumpton 10E was the most successful competitor over all the events held during the summer term. Congratulations Charlie!
Another member of the club, George Irving 10E, said, “Orienteering has been great fun. At first it was difficult but after a couple of sessions I began to find it much easier and enjoyable”.
Anyone interested in joining the Orienteering Club should see Mr Ames.
Very well done to Robert Waddy 11E who achieved great results in the Moor 2 Sea Cycle Sportive last weekend.
Robert was the first u18 competitor home in a time of 3h 43 minutes for the 65 mile challenge route and he was the fastest u18 in the “King of the Mountains” competition on Haytor (which came in the middle of the ride) for which he will receive a KoM Jersey from the organisers.
Congratulations to Owen Weymouth 11W who went to Ponte Brolla in Switzerland in July at the end of last term to compete in the junior section of the Word High Diving Federation (WHDF) Cliff Diving Championships.
This was the first time Owen has competed in a cliff diving competition and he came second, diving from 15 metres, after team mate Aiden Heslop.