It’s been good this week to see sports fixtures returning to the calendar giving students the opportunity to take part in activities that help their physical, social and personal development and to have fun.
On Wednesday Mr Carpenter took Year 7 students to Brickfields to take part in the Plymouth Super 8 Athletics Championships.
Here are some images from the competition.
Mr Carpener said the sprinters did really well and got the day started.
Students took to the sky in the long jump and high jump.
Performances continued in the 300m and the 800m.
Stop Press
The results are in and Mr Carpenter has confirmed the DHSB and PHSG mixed team came first at the Super 8 Athletics.
He said, "Well done to them, to all who took part and to the organisers. Thank you."
Engineering Development Trust Project
Mr Morris has been running an EDT (Engineering Development Trust) project with six Year 12 students this year and has just received confirmation that all six students have graduated as Industrial Cadets at Gold Level.
Very well done to Tom Jones, Elizabeth Sandle, Samuel Hill, Samuel Goulden, Isobel Jackson and Morgan Burnard.
This is what Isobel Jackson said about the award.
To achieve the Gold Industrial Cadet award, we were tasked with working under the mentorship of engineers from Date Palm Developments for 16 weeks to help create a product that would help to decrease the overall carbon footprint of the company.
The lockdown we endured in the process meant organisation was more important than ever, so we all worked to our strengths and as a result produced a 40 page report and a presentation, ready to be shown in a live video call to a panel of engineers.
I think I can speak for everyone on the team when I say we all thoroughly enjoyed the process and seeing the final design come together at the end was very exciting.
Isobel Jackson
Bronze Arts Award
We are delighted to announce that eight students in Years 8 to 11 have received their Bronze Arts Award this week. To achieve a Bronze Arts Award, young people collect evidence in an individual arts log or portfolio of their experiences of:
developing their interests, knowledge and skills through actively participating in any art form
experience of at least one arts event/experience as an audience member and their review of that event/experience
researching the career and work of an artist or craftsperson that inspires them
experience of passing on an arts skill
The cast committed 60 hours to gain the award, most of which was during the half term holiday in October 2019 when an exciting ‘Play in a Week’ was produced at DHSB. The script, called Journey to Devonport, was created and performed by a group of 14 young people who live in the PL1 or PL2 area and attend DHSB, Marlborough Primary or High Street Primary. They were supported by a director and a writer from Theatre Royal Plymouth.
Following that, the group discovered more about the industry on a tour of the TR2 facility in Cattedown as well as enjoying the Nativity show in the main theatre and completing their logs back at school.
We are delighted that they have received these awards in recognition of their experience in the arts.
Congratulations to David Jones 11N, Rudi Gibbs 10C, Billy Carlton 10N, Fabien Matei 10E, Alfie Godfree 9S, Aneurin Ballantine 9S, Caleb Caleshu 8P, Jonathan Bautz 8E.
Ms Nally
Images from the 'Play in A Week'
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Well done to the four Year 9 teams who completed their assessed expedition last weekend.
Mr Huq said that although students are not camping this year the teams still have to carry a tent as well as be able to pitch it and pack it away.
He added that it was another good day for the students doing their biking Silver expedition practice last weekend.
PSHEE Activities
Year 7 - 11 students this week are all completing The Big Ask, a national survey from the Children's Commissioner which aims to show the government what students think, and what children need to live happier lives. If you are interested you can access the survey here - it will only take a few minutes:
Year 11 students are still in the thick of assessments, and today was the final chance for Year 10 students to complete the EtonX course on Making an Impact in school - they can also complete this at home if they want to earn their certificate.
Year 9 students had a visitor, Police Inspector Kev Morley, who spoke with his colleagues about the danger of county lines recruitment for drug distribution. The police representatives then went on to talk about the same topic at a different level to Sixth Form students. Two very powerful presentations which aim to advise and reassure as well as explain the consequences that can arise from involvement with individuals within the drugs gangs.
Year 8 students learned about the science of sneezing; a very topical lesson on the necessity for hygiene and how the germs within a sneeze can spread and multiply. They also discussed the tricky subject of vaccinations and the part they play in preventing the spread of disease - again extremely topical right now.
Finally for this week, we asked Year 7 students to go back in time around a year, and to think about how they were feeling as potential new students. What advice would they give a current Year 6 about starting at DHSB?
Our Transition Coordinator, Ms Walker, will use the best ideas to make a leaflet to be circulated to the new boys and their parents. On a less popular note, they also had a look at the Year 7 revision guide, which aims to help them to prepare for the Year 7 exams which will take place (in class) during the week 7 - 11 June, directly after half term.
The guide has sections for each subject to record what needs to be revised, and a revision timetable to help plan over the next few weeks.
Year 7 - 10 students will all have school exams after half term, and Years 7 - 9 have study skills lessons to help them revise in Friday tutorial lessons over the next couple of weeks.
That's all for this week - next week topics include Risk for Year 10 and Resilience for Year 8 amongst other things.
Ms Moreton