It’s been a good week at DHSB and I hope you enjoy reading this round-up of all our events and activities.
At the end of a busy term I’d like to thank parents and friends of the school for all your support and wish you a happy and safe Christmas break.
Monday saw our Carol Service at St Andrew’s Church, led by Year 7 students and our brass ensemble. The church was packed with parents, governors, staff and friends of the school and Year 7 gave us an opportunity at this busy time to reflect on the Christmas message.

On Tuesday I was pleased to meet the new Peer Mentor team.
This scheme goes from strength to strength each year and provides support for students. Thank you to Mr Martin and Ms Moreton for their guidance and help with this initiative.

Early on Wednesday morning the 2017 School Magazine was delivered to school. Well done to the editors who have produced an interesting review of the year.
The magazine costs £2.50 and can be ordered on Wisepay or by sending a request to this address –

Later in the day the whole-school community moved to the Plymouth Guildhall for our annual Speech Day.
As always the prize-giving part of the evening ran very smoothly and we enjoyed excellent speeches, musical and dramatic contributions from students.
Our Guest of Honour, Lt Col Alex J Harold MBBS BSc MRCP, is a former student and School Captain. We were delighted to welcome him back to school earlier in the day and he enjoyed a tour of our new buildings and facilities with current School Captain, Harry Bryan.
Alex said his current position in life is due to the ethos of the school and that he had been given the confidence to succeed during his time at DHSB. Acknowledging the many opportunities on offer to students he highlighted participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme as being one of the best ways to develop leadership skills.
He added, “The DHSB staff provide inspiration and guidance. They encourage students to follow their dreams and to finish their education with no regrets”.

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr Nick Kelly, also spoke warmly to the large audience and said DHSB is a beacon of light that shines in the city.
Cllr Kelly is a former parent and knows the school well. He thanked staff for their care and dedication, advised students to continue to question and challenge when they leave the school and asked them to ‘fly the flag for Plymouth’ in the future.

This year’s Holmes and Corrie A Level and GCSE award winners are Regan Lee and William Potter.
The St Levan Shield, a culmination of the year’s house competitions, was presented to Campbell House.

Well done to all those who received an award and thanks to all those contributed to the successful evening.

The canapés were delicious!
Also on Wednesday six Year 12 students taking part in the Engineering Education Scheme attended a residential experience hosted by the EDT (Engineering Education Trust) at Plymouth University. The aim was for the students to work with their link engineers from UTC Aerospace and use the university’s facilities to help them with the design and manufacture stages of their project. The team have been given the task to modify safety glasses so that the wearer will be deterred from removing them in a laboratory.
By the end of the two days the team had developed and modelled several ideas, from which a final design will be produced and a prototype manufactured.
Charlie Noordewier, team leader said, “The best part of the experience was working in a university atmosphere and having a high degree of independence whilst progressing with our project and developing new skills that would otherwise not be explored in a school environment”.

On Thursday we held our Tinsel for Tots and Christmas Jumper Day raising over £900 to be shared between two deserving charities, The Grand Appeal at Bristol Children’s Hospital and St Luke’s Hospice in Plymouth.

We’re always pleased to welcome alumni back to school.
This week, fourth year Manchester student doctor Tom Turner returned to kindly offer a workshop on suturing for potential medics. Students gained certificates and skills in knot tying, neatness and some understanding of NHS costs through economy of materials used!

City of Plymouth Festival
Many congratulations to Lalit Kathiresan 10W for his outstanding achievements at the City of Plymouth Festival.
Prepared Bible reading – 1st place and Commended with 87%. Sight reading – Runner up and Commended with 84%. Solo Acting – 1st place and Commended with 85%. Lalit was also awarded the Distin Cup for the highest mark in all the Bible reading classes.
Swimming Success
We’re very proud of Cameron Williams 9E.
We heard this week that Cameron has just ‘smashed’ the British record for the 100m breaststroke.
Cameron is pictured with his coach, Matt Henry.

Plymouth Employability Passport
Congratulations to Harry Bryan 6AJD and Hugh Oh Graham 11P on being awarded the Plymouth Employability Gold Award following their presentations to a panel of Governors.


Sports Update
Well done to the U16 Basketball team. The final score in the National Cup home fixture against Treviglas College was 60 – 17.
Mr Anderson said, “The team was very mature and played a sporting game”.

Congratulations to the Year 11 football team who made it into the semi-finals of the Plymouth Cup after a win on penalties against Plymstock School. This was a real closely contested match.
Year 7 came back from two down to beat Plympton Academy 5 – 2, also in the Plymouth Cup. Well done!

Sports Newsletter
As well as bringing an update in the Head’s Blog each week, we’re pleased to share this term’s sports newsletter with you. This has also been emailed directly to parents today and each term the PE Department intend to keep you updated with the endeavours of school teams, individual performances and extra-curricular clubs and activities.
Future Events
19 December – Final day of the autumn term (school closes at 15.45)
Wednesday 3 January – First day of the spring term (B week)
Thursday 4 January – Year 8 Curriculum Evening
Monday 8 – Friday 12 January – Year 10 Exam Week
Tuesday 9 January – Year 9 Parents Evening