Thank you to all students, families, governors and staff who attended our celebration events this week.
We were delighted to have the opportunity to present awards from 2021 and 2022 at the events held on the school site on Wednesday, having had to cancel our traditional speech day last year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Many thanks and well done to former student Emily Thurston-Baker who made the presentations and spoke to our audiences, sharing some of her story and what she had leant since leaving DHSB.
We were grateful that Emily took time out from her busy career in investment banking to join us at the ceremonies. She also spent time talking informally with students and families.
Well done also to Year 13 students, Ellis Foale, who gave a summary of his year as School Captain and to Frankie Harrison who played the Haydn Sonata in B flat so beautifully.
During the afternoon the results of the house competitions were announced - well done to Smeaton House who won the St Levan Shield 2021-2022.
Amid the celebrations we felt it was right to observe a one minute silence to reflect on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and we sang the national anthem with the new words, God Save our Gracious King.
Here are a few photos from Wednesday.

School Captain Ellis Foale

Smeaton House wins the St Levan Shield
Student activities, challenges and achievements

We are looking for students and families to contribute to the Head's Blog over the next few weeks.
If you have tried a new activity or challenge during the summer then we'd love to hear about it. We also want to hear about student achievements (please complete the form at the link below).
Examples include sports, photography, new hobbies or book recommendations.
Thank you to those who have already shared their news with us. We will be highlighting these examples over the next couple of weeks.
Thank you.
Extra-curricular activities and clubs
We are proud to be able to provide a huge range of extra-curricular activities and clubs throughout the school year, and there is a huge range of stimulating and exciting clubs and activities for students to participate in. These include a wealth of traditional sport, music and academic support clubs. There really is something for everyone, says Mr Campbell.
Traditional team sports are offered with increasing opportunity for all. To meet the demand for extra opportunity and increased challenge for our students we often compete against other local schools.
All details can be found in the clubs and activities timetable which is updated termly and can be found in the Letters and Documents section of our website. (Also directly linked below).
To book on to any club, please find every club listed on the ‘clubs’ page on your MCAS account. Please note that some clubs require a termly fee to attend.

Surf club
Alumni News

It was lovely to hear from former student Kai Benjamin this week.
Kai, currently studying at the University of Bristol, wanted to share the exciting news that he is appearing on the Voice UK on Saturday 17 September (available to watch on ITV and ITV Hub).
Many of you will have seen Kai in our own school musical productions; If you get the opportunity then please watch tomorrow to see if he progresses through to the next stage.
Kai is pictured here in the DHSB musical production, School of Rock.

PSHEE Activities

Following on from our annual class contracts for all last week, this week we begin the tutorial programme for Years 7 - 11 in earnest.
I am delighted to advise that we are introducing Unifrog - a new mainly careers-based platform to all our students this term, from Years 7 - 13.
Year 7 and Year 8 students along with the Sixth Form will be logging in first, followed later in the term by the remaining year groups. Your child will be able to demonstrate the platform to you in more detail, but this is a short introductory video you may like to watch:
If you are interested in learning more please see this link to setting up a parent login
Today Year 7 and Year 8 students logged in and began to explore for the first time; they will return to a school based activity at least once a term from now on, but can also explore for themselves, and their login can be taken with them when they eventually leave DHSB.
Using the site allows them to access their own records with regard to careers activities and to be more aware of employability and related skills they are developing.
The Year 9 lesson explores family issues; discussing potential disagreements and how to handle them as well as defining the meaning of Family.
Year 10 students looked at organisational and study skills and also resilience - all very necessary as they enter the final two years before GCSE exams - and Year 11 heard speakers from City College Plymouth and CSW group regarding their options for next year and more importantly the necessity for developing a Plan B in case their first choice does not work out as hoped.
School Sixth Form and College open evenings are mostly in this term, and students are urged to consider their options and do the necessary research.
So good luck to all for this very busy term - more next week.
Ms Moreton

We had a great first meeting of the year this week, writes Mrs Kinsella. It was lovely to meet new parents. Thank you for coming along!
We've been thinking ahead to our Christmas Disco (held at Pryzm) and even the Alton Towers trip next year. Will keep you posted!
Mr Campbell presented a bid for digital chess timing clocks for the Chess Club. We were delighted to approve this! The Chess Club will soon be the owners of eight lovely new shiny clocks! Wishing them lots of luck in all their tournaments!
The PTFA will be supplying drinks at the 11+ exams for the next two Saturday mornings. If you are able to help with this, or maybe something in the future, please get in touch.
Meeting dates:
22 November AGM
10 January
21 March
9 May
20 June
Meetings start at 6.00pm and take place in the Conference Room which is directly behind the Visitor Reception. We would love to see you and you would be made very welcome.
Refreshments provided too!
Best wishes,
Beverley Kinsella
PTFA Liaison
Sports Update

Well done to the U18 netball team who won the Bronze medal in the Plymouth School's Championships this week.
This represents a first in the school's history; congratulations to all who took part.