Wednesday was a big day in school as we said farewell to our Year 13 students.
Many of the year group have been with us for seven years with others making a welcome contribution to the school for the two years they have been in our Sixth Form.
Thank you for all you have done for the school – we’ll miss you!

Ms Davidson included these words when she spoke to students at their final assembly.
“Do what you can to make your life worthy and great. Be ruthless for your wellbeing but be reflective and thoughtful. Gain happiness by doing things for others. Value people. Don’t be fooled by wealth, success and fame. Work instead for the things that wealth, success and fame can give you including freedom, joy, friendships, purpose and genuine long-lasting relationships. Be brave, find moments to be still, get up early and listen to the birds or watch the sun go down. Tell friends and family that you love them. Focus on things that truly matter and make a difference to others”.
She added, “Thanks to the Sixth Form tutor team and to Mrs Waitt and Ms Kerswell who have been stalwarts in supporting our students and gave them a lovely send off on Wednesday. We were also very pleased to be able to publicly recognise the quite outstanding contribution made by Year 13 student Alfie Carlisle to the school. Alfie has been instrumental in steering DHSB through innumerable aspects of technology and media production and has been personally responsible for countless ‘polished’ works enjoyed by everyone in this community. We will miss him greatly”.

Theme of the Week
Our theme in school this week was mental health awareness and this was explored by each House in their assemblies on Wednesday.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award
We are extremely proud of these students who have recently completed their Gold DofE Award.
Harriet Ames, Harrison Bryan, Harvey Coombes, Max Cox, Georgia Davies, Vishal Thirupathirajan and Jamie Williams.
A group of Gold DofE students attended a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace on Monday this week. It was a proud day for them and their families.
Kai Russell, Bailey Alderson, Jenson Cory and Harrison Bryan, Miles Eastaugh, Jack Gorham, Sarah Wilcox.
Mr and Mrs Huq were there too to witness the occasion.
Very well done to all!

Ten Tors Challenge
As I am sure you are aware, last weekend saw the annual Ten Tors Challenge.
The conditions were good and we had three school teams in addition to the many students who took part through their community groups.
Although it isn’t a race the DHSB teams did incredibly well and finished very quickly. Once again I want to highlight the considerable efforts that our staff go to in supporting our students taking part in this and other activities.
A special thanks to Mr Ames for leading on the school’s participation in the Ten Tors Challenge.
Mr Clifford is a parent who gives a lot of his time to support the teams’ preparations.
Although he wasn’t available to attend the special Ten Tors breakfast we hosted this morning he sent this message to the students,”I would just like to again convey my heart felt congratulations to each and everyone of you who in your own individual and collective way have worked hard for many months in the lead up to this year’s event. The emotion of the event and the elation of having completed it will stay with you for many years to come. In addition to the physical aspect of Ten Tors which speaks for itself and obviously the skill of navigation itself you have all learned other skills and attributes that will stand you in good stead going forward, communication, self-confidence, resilience, team working, problem solving and leadership to mention but a few”.
The 35 mile team finished at 8.30 and were first on their route.
Ollie Carty, Tom Murrin, Lewis James, Alex Richardson, Josh Hawkins, Rob Derry
The 45 mile team finished at 10.06 and were second on their route.
Jeremy Prichard. Tom Cochrane, Tom Payne, Ben Payne, Connor Webster, Zara Waddy
The 55 mile team finished at 11.24 and were first on their route.
Harry Richardson, Will Coulson, Josh Moyse, Harrison Lake, Ross Harvie, James Randall

This message is typical of many we have received from families.
“We are appreciative of all the support our son and other students have received over the last six months with their Ten Tors preparations. A number of members of staff have willingly given of their free time to allow them to be able to participate in this fabulous event and we are very grateful that he has had this wonderful opportunity”.
We’re very proud of the students who took part in the challenge with organisations outside school. They were also invited to our special breakfast this morning.
Christopher Hodgins 9C Jules Dean 9N, Tavistock and District Youth Forum Finbar Sutton 9E, Air Cadets Mawgan Moxham 10E, Tavistock and District Youth Forum Joe Stell 10E, Tavistock and District Youth Forum Alexander Mitchell 11E, Air Cadets Thomas Doyle 11S, Tavistock and District Youth Forum Fred Williams 11S, Tavistock and District Youth Forum Freya Moxham 6CMC , Tavistock and District Youth Forum Emma James 6KES, Air Cadets Adam Southern 6RWO, Air Cadets

Mr Clifford and Mr Ames
Biology Olympiad
Congratulations to these students who have gained awards and certificates in the national British Biology Olympiad this year.
Jakub Ciukiewicz
Issy Ambler, Dylan Tomkins
Harrison Bryan, Catherine Zhang, Joshua Wheeler
Highly Commended
Vishal Thirupathirajan, Mia Flanagan, Jemma Lloyd Highly Commended
Katie Harvie, Isaac Al-Moosawi

Excellent Work
Our Excellent Work this week is an animated book promotion of action films by students in Year 9 and submitted by Mrs Sheridan.
This is an animation by Daniel Jones. Reviews are written and delivered by Dan, Christian Moss and Ben Hedley, all of Year 9.
International News
On Wednesday we were visited by a school from Poland writes Assistant Head Mr Berryman.
The students were aged 14/15 and were on an educational visit to the UK to see how other schools run and what they can learn as language specialists. There are over 150 students split into three groups of around 50 visiting different schools as part of their stay here. The school is located in Warsaw and is a language school with 400 students.
They were met by a team of our prefects organised by Mrs Cervelle and then were taken on a tour of our site. They were surprised by the size of our school and how well our students were behaved in classes and around the site. The group then came together in our Upper Learning Commons to present their school and country to students in 7N.
It was amazing that the students from Poland engaged our students and the similarities of education were clear. Our boys asked some great questions and then stayed on to chat to the students throughout morning break. I was able to formally thank them for their visit to DHSB and welcomed a partnership for the future and building links as part of the school’s international links projects.
Mr Berryman

Sports Update
Well done to the Year 10 team who beat Hele’s School by 41 runs in the Devon Cup this week.
This was a fantastic game of cricket with 42 fours, 8 sixes and a special 108 from Ethan Carlisle.
These photos show DHSB and our partner schools getting started on their Kids First Rugby Refereeing Children Course. Students will be putting what they have learnt into action next week.

Future Events
Friday 17 May
Year 10 Reports
Friday 17 May
Year 10 SRE Morning
Wednesday 22 May at 16.00
Bushcraft Parents Meeting
Friday 24 May
Final Day of Summer Term One
Monday 3 June
First Day of Summer Term Two (A week)
Monday 3 June – Friday 7 June
Year 7 Exams Week
And finally
Mr Carpenter has asked me to advertise the summer surf club. There are just a few places remaining so if you are interested in this please see Mr Carpenter or the resources department as soon as possible.