In our whole school assembly this week I shared the following slides and messages for the start of the new school year.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit” Aristotle
To achieve excellence therefore is a mind set and means putting effort into everything we do.
During the assembly, held virtually on Wednesday, I encouraged students to ensure that they follow this advice. We should all try our best and strive for excellence.

Five Top Tips

Whole School Assembly
Student News
We are looking for students and families to contribute to the Head's Blog over the next few weeks.
We want to hear about student achievements or any new activities they have tried during the summer holiday.
Examples could include sports, new pets or new hobbies such as photography or athletics.
If you have something to share then please complete and submit this Google form.
Alumni News

Many congratulations to David King who reached the semi-final stage in the 110m hurdles at the Tokyo Olympics this summer - a fantastic achievement.
Mr Orkney, Director of Sport said, “David did very well his GCSE and A level PE courses at DHSB which just goes to show that it is possible to be a high achiever academically and also to excel as a high performing athlete".
He added, "David has remained a friend of the school and has donated some representative GB teamwear to be displayed in our fitness suite alongside that of other international athletes. He also comes into school regularly to talk to students about his pathway.”

Matthew West 11S

Congratulations to Matthew who over the summer was part of a team that won the U15s Cornish gig rowing county championship.
Throughout the last six months Matthew and the others in the Caradon team have been rowing with adults in preparation for this event and other regattas. This usually involves an 8.00am start during the weekend!
Matthew is pictured at the event in Hayle.

Caleb Caleshu 9P

Well done to Caleb who is one of only seven U14 boys nationwide to qualify for the UK chess national final (Terafinal) to be held at Blenheim Palace in October. Five of the other six qualifiers are at least twelve months older than Caleb.
Mrs Cooke who has run the school chess club for 20 years said, “I am absolutely delighted for Caleb and wish him luck for the Terafinals. I am very, very impressed by his achievements so far in this competition, a feat which has not been equalled by any other DHSB students in all the time that I have been involved with the school”.
PSHEE Activities

Tutorial lessons this week were on the topic of sexual harassment for all students in Years 7 - 11. Years 7 & 8 had a slightly different lesson with Years 9 - 11 having extra content but all began with a look at societal 'unwritten rules'.
Students discussed such statements as 'women should not go out alone at night' and 'men should always make the first move in a relationship' and had an opportunity to say what they thought would happen if or when people don't follow these 'rules'. This led to further discussion about peer pressure.
Older students went on to look at specific scenarios and also how a person could or should deal with some of these.
We will be returning to this important topic with a whole school assembly on 6 October 2021
Ms Moreton
125 Anniversary - Calling all Alumni
Just a reminder that our celebratory 125 anniversary event is just three weeks away!
This is an all day event starting at midday and tickets include a buffet lunch, curry dinner, talks, exhibition and a commemorative brochure. There will also be a licensed bar and you will even be able to buy bottles of our beers 'Alonzo' and 'Colonnade'.
As dusk approaches the four main school blocks and the colonnade will be fantastically lit up!
Tickets are limited and are fully refundable should your circumstances change.
For more information and to book your place please use this link:-
Thank you to everyone who has already purchased tickets. We are delighted with the response and look forward to seeing you on Saturday 9 October.
To read the most recent alumni newsletter please click the link below:-
If you have any questions please email Beverley Kinsella at
Beverley Kinsella
Alumni Engagement & Archives