The final week of term has been very busy and I’d like to highlight three events which have made me very proud to be the Headteacher of this school.
On Monday we enjoyed our candlelit carol service at St Andrew’s Church.
Year 7 students led the readings, singing, music and prayers which were all excellent and much appreciated by the congregation of parents, staff and governors.
The service gave us all an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Christmas.

On Wednesday evening the school community gathered in the Plymouth Guildhall for our annual Speech Day.
This is a time to welcome back our recent school leavers and to celebrate the academic success of our students.
Our Guest of Honour was Devon entrepreneur, Mr Rob Holmes, who encouraged the audience to follow their curiosity, to remember to daydream and to be open to coincidences.
The Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Cllr Dr John Mahony, an old boy of the school, said it was an honour and privilege to attend the event and to bring greetings from the City of Plymouth.
Thank you to student Fenn Leppard who took the official photos this year.

Our special guests with Patrick Lawton and Robert Waddy
Holmes and Corrie A level and GCSE award winners

Guest of Honour, Rob Holmes

Cllr Dr John Mahony, Lord Mayor of Plymouth

Tom Cahill and Vikram Thirupathirajan summarised the students’ year

Our new House flags were put to good use
Smeaton House was delighted to win the St Levan Shield

Henry Spencer brought us an item from ‘The Wizard of Oz’
which will be staged in the Edgcumbe Theatre from 3 – 5 February 2016

If you didn’t buy your copy of the School Magazine at Speech Day
then I’m sure they’ll be available in the New Year

We all enjoyed the canapés made and served by Year 10 students
The third highlight for me this week was our final whole school assembly this morning.
Amid the festivities we were able to share with students the total of their fundraising for charity over the last twelve months. A huge sum of £12,261 has been donated to charities this year. Well done everyone.
Next year we are planning to support Mary’s Meals a charity brought to our attention by our Speech Day guest Rob Holmes.
We hope you enjoy the staff Christmas video we were able to share with students during the assembly. Thanks are due to Year 13 student Lewis Wollington for filming and editing this for us. Well done Lewis!
I also enjoyed singing with the staff band led by Mr Adams.
I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable Christmas break and look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 5 January 2016.