It has been an exciting week of sport here at DHSB which concluded with our Sports Day (rescheduled due to poor weather in June and July).
It was also the kick off to the season for several of our sports teams in football, rugby and hockey but what was especially pleasing to see was the passion and commitment to participate in sport within school. For example, on Wednesday 72 boys turned up for the first Year 7 football training session at lunchtime which is incredible.
Sports Day was a real DHSB community event enjoyed by students and staff.

Meeting Students
I’ve been pleased to meet several students this week. Pictured here are six Year 7 students (I’m planning to meet all boys in this year group in turn) and four boys who have joined us from other schools. It’s good to put faces to names and to find out how everyone is settling in.

Parents will have received a letter by email today which is also available here. Please take time to look at our whole school priorities and our new online bespoke homework platform.
International School Award
Well done to all staff and students involved in the redesignation of our International School Award. Mrs Pearson leads this work and was pleased to receive these comments from the official committee.
“This Impact Evaluation is a success story and confirms the hard work that your school has carried out over the last 3 years. It demonstrates clearly your consistent commitment to understanding and applying the principles of international education in a creative and imaginative way. It also proudly showcases your international learning journey, including your achievements and the positive effects of your global learning on all stakeholders involved in the process, including students, staff, partner schools and the wider community.”
Here students are pictured in one of our international projects.

Estate Update
The summer estate works are now almost complete. The changing rooms are looking at their best and we’re delighted that the Learning Commons will be open to students on Monday.
We’re planning an official launch event later this term; please let my PA, Sarah Nicholson, know if you would like an invitation (

Here’s a video preview of the Learning Commons refutbishment which was shared with students in our whole school assembly this week.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form parents enjoyed a tea party this week which gave an opportunity to meet members of the Sixth Form team. The presentation shared by Ms Davidson will be available to view on the parents’ website page next week.
Sports News
Sport this week was exemplified by our 1st XI victory in their first premier division match (2 – 1) against Plymouth University Students Union.
The Devon Wednesday League tweeted, “Excellent start to life in the Premier Division.”