Sports Day
Many congratulations to Priestley House who were awarded the Sports Day Cup on Tuesday after a splendid day of competition at the Brickfields Arena.
Antony James, former student and double Commonwealth medalist, joined us to present all the winners of individual events with their medals and certificates. He encouraged the student audience in the sports day celebration to invest time and effort to ensure their dreams are realised.

A special well done to Archie Hill who equalled the school record for the U15 100m (11.7s).

The iconic House flags set the scene

Mr Bunney briefs the high jump competitors

High jump

The audience in the grandstand cheers on their Houses

The track judges show their support and Alfie captures everything on camera


Triple jump

Farewell to Staff
At this time of year we always have to say farewell to the the staff members who are leaving us (pictured here).
We wish them all well in their retirement or new posts.

A reminder of results days this year
17 August for AS and A level results from 8.00 in The Sixth Form Centre. Guidance and support for A level. Please use the online Clearing and UCAS guidance as described in the Summer term.
24 August for GCSE results from 8.00 in the Theatre and Enrolment in The Learning Commons Guidance and support is available downstairs in the Learning Commons from Mrs Moreton and Mrs Wall (Careers SW).
A post exam guidance leaflet will be given out with the results for both year groups.
South Africa Rugby Tour
We wish a safe journey to our SA Rugby Tour which departs on Saturday. We are due to play four fixtures in Cape Town, George and Pretoria. Mr Burt will be writing a special Blog during the tour and you will be able to follow the adventures of the team at this link.
This is the tour programme with a foreword from Henry Slade, current Exeter Chiefs and England rugby player.
Future dates
Thursday 20 July – Final day of Summer term one (departures at 12.40 for students who have permission to leave the site)
Thursday 17 August – AS and A level results from 8.00 in The Sixth Form Centre
Thursday 24 August – GCSE results from 8.00 in the Theatre and Enrolment in The Learning Commons
Monday 4 September – Non pupil day
Tuesday 5 September – Non pupil day
Wednesday 6 September – First day of Autumn term one (Induction Day for Year 7 and Year 12)
Thursday 7 September – Whole school return