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20 November 2020

I am delighted to announce the name of the DHSB School Captain for the coming year.

This morning Tom Hyndman accepted the post and I am sure he will be very successful in his new leadership role.

Joe will provide support in a handover period over the next few weeks and later this term there will be time to thank him for his extensive contribution to the life of the school community.

Joe Watkinson added, "The School Captain is a leader, mediator, role model, and — most importantly — a representative for the school community. I have every confidence that Tom will excel as DHSB’s next School Captain and so I want to extend my warmest congratulations to him on his appointment; the year ahead will be full of exciting opportunities and challenges and I wish him all the best of luck.

Joe Watkinson,

School Captain 2019–2020

Theme of the Week

Our theme of the week is ‘The pursuit of Excellence’ and I am pleased to share our house assembly which was put together by Mr Anderson, Head of Smeaton.

Mr Anderson said, “The assembly presentation displays some of the attributes needed in the pursuit of excellence and mastery. The aim being to motivate students and get tutor groups to discuss how the aspects apply to them”.

Excellent Work

Our Excellent Work this week has been sent to me by Mrs Brooking and features the work of Morgan Martin 8N.

Mrs Brooking said, “When we returned from half term it was the Day of the Dead in Mexico, and we took some time to learn about the origins of the festival and how it differs from Halloween. Morgan then created this lovely skull with a write-up about what he had learned and decorated it as a traditional sugar skull (calavera) with bright colours”.

PTFA News and Update

Firstly thank you so much to those who were able to attend our PTFA Zoom AGM last week. There were 41 of us which surpassed our expectations. Thank you too to those who joined our Committee and to those who have volunteered their services at our events. This is all much appreciated.

The minutes from the AGM will be available on the DHSB website, in the PTFA section, by the end of the week should you wish to read them.

Moving forward we hope to have our meetings back in the school when the COVID-19 situation allows but with an option to also join in via Zoom. Many parents have said that this would work for them due to various reasons such as childcare, living too far from school etc.

For a full update and news about fundraising please click on this link.

Mrs Kinsella

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