Congratulations to all our students who have collected their results today.
This summer 17 further GCSEs have undergone reforms as the grading system moves from letters A* – G to a numerical 9 – 1 system, with 9 being the highest grade.
It is important to note that the content of the new GCSEs is significantly more challenging with the new grades being introduced to signal that these are reformed GCSEs and to better differentiate between students of different abilities.
The new grading structure is not directly equivalent to the A* – G system. Fewer grade 9s will be awarded than A*s in the past and the government has decided to describe grade 4 as a ‘standard pass’ and grade 5 as a ‘strong pass’.
We are extremely proud of all our students at DHSB. They have worked extremely hard to rise to the challenge of these reformed GCSEs and really have achieved excellent success.
I would like to express my sincerest thanks to all our brilliant and dedicated staff who, with our families, have provided fantastic support to our students.
Students and staff have spent time this morning and this afternoon finalising their next steps and we would like to wish all our students every success in their progression.
Please find below a useful link with information regarding the changes at GCSE.
Here are some images of students, staff and families around our busy school site this morning.