This week has seen our annual Curriculum Challenge Week.
Staff and students have shared a fantastic week of opportunities both here on site and in our residential experiences.
We’ll share a selection of photos in my Head’s Blog today but please check our Twitter hashtag #dhsbccw to see the full range and extent of this week’s exciting and challenging activities.
Special thanks are due to Mr Coombes and Mrs Donnelly who oversee the extensive administration which enables the activities to take place.
We travelled to London to see the sights…

…and to play football

We explored the local area…

and went to Dartmoor for our Geography fieldwork

We were also up on Dartmoor for Ten Tors training

We went to St Ives for media workshops

And took part in the fifth annual German Exchange with our friends at Kopernikus-Gymnasium.

Students also enjoyed and gained much from work experience placements which took place this week.

Here’s a small selection of images from around the school this week where there were curriculum based activities in Art, Music, Drama, Geography, History, RS, Languages, Enterprise, Maths, Science and English.
Don’t forget to check our Twitter hashtag #dhsbccw to see the full range of images from the week.

Sixth Form student and photographer Issy Holt accompanied staff and students to the National Marine Aquarium and has shared these stunning photos of students extracting ink from a squid.
Thanks Issy.

While all this was going on, Year 11 students were sitting their mock GCSE exams (illustrated here by some fantastic work completed in Art) and Year 12 and 13 were focusing on next steps planning including work shadowing, work experience placements and developing their curriculum vitae profiles.

And, as always, our staff had lots of fun too!

Sports Update
There’s just one fixture to report this week (as the result was too late to be included in last Friday’s Head’s Blog).
The U13 football team played Newton Abbot College in the Devon Cup and took a 4 – 1 victory.

Future Events
4 December – Year 11 Curriculum Evening
6 December – Special Charity Fundraising Day
7 December – Year 7 Parents Evening
11 December – Carol Service
13 December – Speech Day
19 December – Final day of term