We were delighted to hear that we had so many students winning certificates and prizes in the PrintIT! education campaign competition this year.
The campaign, designed to attract young people to the world of printing and graphic arts, run a school-based competition which our Year 9 Design and Technology students entered during the autumn term this year.
The initiative for the competition has been developed in conjunction with the Fairtrade Foundation.
Students were provided with either Gaming, Sport or Music as a sector and were asked to design logos, marketing material and packaging to promote a new product. They could be creative alongside covering key theory related to the Design and Technology GCSE.
Many congratulations to all the DHSB winners who received certificates and either an Inaset paper notebook or an Instax mini instant camera. The awards were presented this morning.
Runners up - Will Ivey, Ewan Piercy, Gabriel Baytys, Jacob Hawkins, Joe Johnson, Morgan Jones, Tai Barrett, Thomas Turpin, Lance Galvez, Sanskar Budha Magar, Josh Hatch, Toby Watts, Jacob Clark.
Gold winners - Callum Heinemann, Hari Sornakumar, Henry Shuttleworth, James Baker, Rocco Dali’Olmo, Thomas Robbins, Will Connett, Adam Newcombe, Adeo Gallego.
Platinum winner - Isaac Dent
Isaac received a Fuji digital camera and we've included here a sample of his overview sheet for you to read.
Whole School Assembly
As you know we like to share our whole school assembly (held remotely in form rooms) with you so that you can discuss the issues raised at home with your chlld.
On Wednesday our assembly theme was 'empathy'. We explored how empathy differs from sympathy and students developed their ability to support others. Students engaged in thoughtful communication around what empathy meant to them and listened to how different situations made different people feel.
Mr Manley
KS5 Wellbeing, Fun and Mock G7 Summit
Year 12 have been responding well to feedback on their end of year exams and several have already started experimenting with new approaches to their studies.
Alongside this we are glad that so many continue to add to their CV portfolio and that those who attended enrichment studies on Friday have been trained as Ambassadors of Hope.
Pictured are several participants of the training led by Rich Evans (from @Not_Ok_is_Ok for podcasts on men's mental health matters in particular) who co-founded the Chasing the Stigma charity linked to Ambassadors of Hope.
On Wednesday, the sunshine and cut grass provided the perfect English summer's day for the first of the Sixth Form rounders matches. Mr Orkney engendered high standards of sportsmanship, Ms Wilkinson sustained superb bowling prowess and both teams (girls superb at throwing v boys superb at catching and sprints with a score of 7:5:10 runs) brought wonderful spirit.
It was so much fun and watch this space for a reversal in scores next week!
Alana Penney 6LME organised a mock G7 Summit this morning encouraging clear and well researched discussion on the topics listed from representatives for USA, GB, Italy, France and Japan.
Well done and thank you to George Sheriff, Tom Hyndman, Callum Lyons, Rob Dorrington and Alana Penney who were panel members and thanks to Mr Riggs for hosting.
G7 leaders have only scratched the surface of climate policy, failing to show a sense of urgency towards this pressing issue.
Domestic vaccine rollouts of G7 nations should be prioritised over the 1,220 million vaccines chosen to be given to developing countries.
Policy to dissuade multinational companies from shifting profits to low tax havens cannot be enforced.
Ms Davidson
DofE Update
Last weekend it was the turn of the gold canoeing team to be out for their practice expedition.
Well done to all involved.
Excellent Work
Our Excellent Work this week has been submitted by Mrs Wardle and Miss Walker from the RE Department.
Students were given the opportunity to enter the annual Independent Schools Religoius Studies Association Theology, Philosophy and Religion essay competition.
This week we are sharing the Year 7 entries with more to follow next week.
Harry McCulloch 7E chose to enter the philosophy category while Joshua Daniel 7E answered the question on religion.
‘The moral rule “you must always save human life” is a bad rule.’ Do you agree?
‘A religious building must only be used for worship.’ Do you agree?
PSHEE Activities
Well pretty much half way through this last half term, and as I write it is the longest day of the year. Time seems to have flown past, probably as the weather was dire for so long, but hopefully we can all begin to look ahead again soon…
The Year 7 lesson this week was in two parts, firstly part five of their Emotional Logic sequence which focussed on "bargaining" strategies, and beginning to choose between bargaining (to try and recover a loss) and acceptance (choosing to let go). Two strategies that are also very useful as adults.
The other part of their lesson was looking at Multiculturalism, and different influences on our lives from various cultures.
Unfortunately Year 8's visit from the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service was cancelled due to the extension of covid regulations into July, but DSFR sent us a presentation including film clips, information and scenarios so at least the students had a similar experience, albeit tutor led.
The Year 9 lesson today was all about film (and video game) classification; how it is done, what are the criteria for the different categories and what we should or shouldn't be watching at a particular age.
Year 9 students have also had in-class end of year exams this week; this completes the assessments for another year.
Year 10 students were split in two, with C, E and N having a talk from personnel at The Zone in Plymouth around STIs and contraception, while P, S and W learned more about the importance of sleep and relaxation. They will reverse next week.
Three full weeks of term to go - keep practising your empathy and sympathy as appropriate!
Ms Moreton
Sports Update
Year 7 students had an ‘excellent afternoon of cricket’ this week with two games and two wins.
Well done also to the U13 cricket team who took part in the Cricket Sixes Festival at Mount Kelly today. Mr Strang confirmed the team went out in the semifinal of the plate to Torquay Boys.
Mr Manley said the “Year 7 football team was excellent in the Plymouth central venue tournament”.
This week we started the Year 7 House rounders competition and we were delighted to see over 70 boys participate.
Surf Club continues to be highly successful with two minibuses travelling to Polzeath every Thursday.