Curriculum Challenge Week 2022
Having spent a great deal of time talking to students and spending time in their challenge week activities, it is evident that weeks like Curriculum Challenge Week provide students and staff with a real opportunity to go beyond the normal curriculum in lessons.
We are proud of the deeper learning experiences that students have had this week and I hope you enjoy looking at the photos at the foot of today's Head's Blog.
Please also check our Twitter hashtag #DHSBCCW as it's not possible to include every subject and all activities in our selection today.
Thanks to all staff who have shared their photos.
We also have collected many examples of Excellent Work during the week and will share these in the next editions of the Head’s Blog.
Student News

Physics Challenge
Congratulations to all our participants in the Exeter Maths School Physics Challenge and especially impressive Tom, Rufus, Charlie and Rhys who took the overall win against 17 top SW teams.

National Chess Tournament
Mr Campbell said, "It was a chess masterclass from our team in the Devon U19 national schools tournament this week. After two wins and a loss we have now qualified for the next round. A huge thanks to Mr Butland for travelling with the team to this event”.

Children In Need
Many thanks to students, supported by Mrs Luing-Holmes and Mr Creber, for entertaining us with a purpose during Friday lunchtime last week.
The performers were all excellent and raised £118 for the Children In Need appeal.
Thanks also to Thomas Jane 10E for capturing the moment in these images.

Teaching & Learning
In a previous Head's Blog we shared information regarding the exciting developments in Teaching & Learning taking place at DHSB, writes Deputy Head Mr Winstone.
We outlined our intention to have an open dialogue between parents, students and teachers on the teaching that takes place. We are now really pleased to announce that our Teaching and Learning website is now live and here you will be able to find out more about our philosophy and approach to lesson delivery, the key areas of focus that our teaching staff are working on and have access to materials that outline the rationale for many of our teaching strategies.
We hope you enjoy the materials and as always if you have any comments, suggestions or questions then please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Link to Teaching & Learning Website which is also available from the School Life menu at
PSHEE Activities

During Curriculum Challenge Week we try every year to organise an experience of the workplace for all Year 9 students.
This involves lots of lengthy negotiations with some of the fantastic employers around us in Plymouth, and over the years we have visited businesses in a wide variety of employment genres.
This year we worked with regular supporters Babcock International, Bailey Partnership (architects) and Princess Yachts, and also this year added Plymouth Argyle and Plymouth Citybus, through alumni contacts.

Unfortunately the weather on the day was horrendous putting our plans to walk everywhere into jeopardy, but luckily Mr Coombes and Mr Manley were able to ferry students to their destinations by minibus, and Citybus were kind enough to send a double decker to collect us.
During the morning students were given a guided tour of the business and a chance to meet different employees, and then given the details of this year's employer challenges. Each company set a challenge connected with their business, and students will have two tutorial lessons back in school to prepare group presentations meeting the challenge set.
Near the end of term, we have invited the employers to come into school to listen, judge and give feedback, and the winning group from each class will win a tub of chocolates to share. This is always a great introduction to a variety of workplaces and employers, and we are very grateful to all the companies who continue to support us every year. More details of the challenges over the next few weeks.
Ms Moreton
Sixth Form Enrichment

Sixth form students have been busy directing their attention in a variety of way this week.They have been exploring their future career interests and adding value to their CVs through super-curricular enrichment, preparing for January exams and completing independent work on non examination units in some subjects.
We are looking forward to hearing about the experiences of students pursuing work related learning in particular which range from volunteering in other schools and charity organisations to being on board an oil tanker as a taste of a career in the Merchant Navy!
University Guidance
Ms Davidson has asked me to share this useful resource which offers support to parents with all things relating to university.
The podcast series will be providing listeners with the cutting edge and most up-to-date information and conversations to provide excellent support to those considering university.
Topics will include:-
Why and how do students apply for university?
How much does university really cost?
How can students select a university course or institution?
How can they prepare for exams?
What do they need to know before starting their course?
And many more!
Sports Update

A narrow 3 - 2 defeat to Coombe Dean for the U14 badminton team tonight in the Central Venue competition. It all went down to the final game too!
Well done to Coombe Dean who won the league overall with DHSB finishing in second place.
Curriculum Challenge Week in Pictures

And of course, our staff had fun too!