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27 November 2015

This week we have enjoyed our very successful annual Curriculum Challenge Week.

I’m going to share a selection of activities and photos but please take a moment to scroll through our Twitter hashtag #DHSBCCW where you will see the full range of visits and school-based learning experiences which have taken place over the last few days.

A big thank you to all staff who have made this special week possible and to our students for engaging with the activities so positively.

In addition to our student activities we invited Year 7 parents to a Digital and Numeracy evening on Thursday. This was an excellent event with the aim of supporting the transition of students to our school.

151127 Literacy2

151127 Literacy

The Learning Commons proved to be an excellent venue for the Digital Futures and Open Data Play Day led by the Real Ideas Organisation. Supported by Mr Forte this event was open to all secondary schools and the Plymouth community.

151127 Data3

151127 Data4

We were also very pleased to be part of the RIO project which led to the Mayflower Steps and St Andrew’s Church being illuminated on Thanksgiving Day as part of the Mayflower 400 preparations and celebrations.

151127 Mayflower2

151127 Mayflower

On Monday we set off for London for our Sports Tour and to see the sights.

151127 London Sports

151127 London Sports3

151127 London Sports2

151127 London Tour1

151127 London Tour

Our A level Media students went on location and spent the week filming in St Ives.

151127 Media

151127 Media2

Closer to home we completed our Geography coursework…

151127 Geog

…and visited the National Marine Aquarium.

151127 Aquarium

We spent time on Dartmoor by day…

151127 Ten Tors Selection

…and by night.

151127 Dartmoor Night

Back in school we worked together to make mosaics…

151127 Mosaics team

…and towers

151127 Towers Team

…and bridges.

151127 Bridges

We made masks…

151127 Masks

…and polyhedra origami.

151127 Polyhedra Origami Team

We learnt about chemicals…

151127 Flames

…and about the heart.

151127 Heart

We learnt how to drum…

151127 Drum

and how to make animations.

151127 Animation

Adam Hart-Davis came into school…

151127 Adam

…and we spent a day learning about the Holocaust.

151127 Holocaust

 We enjoyed multi-sports on our 3G all weather pitch.

151127 3G

Year 11 students focused on their mocks, we provided practice interviews for Year 13 and there were opportunities for work experience placements.

151127 Work Exp

Overall a lot of learning took place and we had a lot of fun too!

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151127 Fun1

151127 Fun3

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