Students in Years 7 - 11 learnt about KOOTH, the mental health support service, in their assemblies this week.
The Kooth digital student presentation is available for you to view at the link below.
Year 9 students also received an introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award from Mr Huq.
News Just In
Mr Manley and Ms McCullar have just taken a huge amount of donations to Oasis Plymouth Foodbank.
Thank you for all your donations and support. There is still one week until the final day for students to bring in contributions (Friday 4 December).

A Movember Message from Sixth Form Student Chris Mann

Wild, weird, challenging, monumental, rocky – there are lots of ways to describe 2020. It’s been a big year for humanity, and through it all Movember’s mission has stayed the same: stop men dying too young.
Think about this: globally, men die six years earlier than women. To make it worse, the reasons are largely preventable. In the UK, three out of four suicides are men. one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. And testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men.
Pretty shocking, right? That’s why nine sixth formers from DHSB and DHSG are doing Movember this year: Movember is determined to change the face of men’s health and so are we.
In 2019, Movember raised over £12 million devoted to improving men’s health. The money we raise this Movember will help fund life-changing mental health programs, groundbreaking research and scientific breakthroughs for cancer treatments.
Thank you.
Chris Mann, Solly Kurzman, Fred Williams, Angus Cotton, Max Robins, Ewan Dodson,
Seb Ingham, Sam Cumberland and Tom Brown

Well done to Chris and his fellow students who have already hit their goal of £1,000.
Here is the link should you also wish to make a donation.
Excellent Work

Our Excellent Work this week has been submitted by Mr Alsop from his Year 9 Business Studies class.
He said, “This is an outstanding piece of work by Alex Knobloch 9N and Tom Robbins 9P. They completed this research task and presentation over just two hours of lesson time and then presented it without notes. They have provided all their sources of data and also synthesised what they have learnt to provide suggestions for a modern supermarket facing a recession. They easily hit all of my marking criteria and I thought it was worth celebrating the hard effort they've so clearly put into this piece of work”.

World Philosophy Day
The RS Department marked World Philosophy Day on 19 November by running a competition.
Mrs Wardle said, “We received a number of excellent entries and this was judged to be the winning entry by Rocky Travers 8W”.
Here is the poster which outlined the competition details and the winning entry.

Rocky's winning design
Plymotion Newsletter

The Plymotion schools team (based at Plymouth City Council) has asked me to share their latest newsletter with you.
The team works with schools across Plymouth to promote active and sustainable travel for the school journey and this newsletter includes highlights of what Plymouth schools have been doing to get more children and parents walking, cycling and scooting.
There is also information about future events and some of the free services the team can offer.