What a fantastic week at DHSB!
Having spent a great deal of time talking to students and spending time in their challenge week activities, it is evident that weeks like Curriculum Challenge Week provide our students and staff with a real opportunity to go beyond the normal curriculum in lessons.
As an academy we have the freedom to not abide by the national curriculum but what has impressed me more than anything this week is that our students have had the opportunity to enrich their learning well beyond anything the national curriculum expects. We are proud of the deeper learning experiences students have had this week and I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos in today's Head's Blog.
Please also scroll through our Twitter hashtag #DHSBCCW as it's not possible to include every subject and all activities in our selection today.
Thanks to all staff who have shared their photos.
Also this week, GCSE and A level Certificates from summer 2019 are now available for collection. Please contact Karen Edwards, Exams Officer, on karen.edwards@dhsb.org to arrange collection.

Future Events
3 December
Ten Tors night navigation exercise
5 December
Year 7 parents evening
8 December
PTFA disco for Years 7 – 9
11 December
Speech Day
13 December
Year 12 report
16 December
Carol Service
17 – 19 December
Refuel Christmas Dinner
20 December
Final day of autumn term two