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3 July 2015

Our students, as usual, demonstrate their leadership in this week’s post.

From the frontiers of EdTech to showing off their school via open events, exhibitions and festivals; as we head towards the close of play this year our students prove relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Yasin Soliman, Alfie Carlisle and Louie Cherrington travelled to London for the Digital Education Show on Tuesday.

Yasin and Alfie presented to a large audience on the culture of the DHSB Learning Commons and the role of the school digital leaders.

Their talk was described as ‘polished and inspiring’.

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Mr Roberts, our new Head, spoke at the Education Show on Wednesday and then headed straight back to Plymouth to meet over 550 visitors at our open evening.

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150703 Open Evening

If you missed our open evening but would like to hear about our admission arrangements then please join us at 9.00am on Monday 6 July when there will be a second opportunity to meet Mr Roberts and to look around the school.

Earlier in the week I was pleased to see our new Year 7 students in school and at the start of their induction day I gave them three pieces of advice.

Be organised. Face the challenge. Take the opportunities.

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Art Exhibition

Preparations are in hand for our A level Art Exhibition which is being held at the Devonport Guildhall this year.

The exhibition will be open for public viewing from 6 – 10 July and all visitors will be welcome.

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Summer Festival

You will also be welcome at our Summer Festival which will be held on Friday 10 July during the afternoon.

There will be games, stalls and refreshments for all to enjoy.

School Physicist of the Year

Very well done to Bryony Venn, named as the School Physicist of the Year, earlier this week.

Mr Spearing said, “The School Physicist of the Year is an annual award given to the most promising Physicist in a school. The award is supported by the Ogden Trust and coordinated by the University of Exeter to help raise the profile of Physics.”

He added, “Bryony wins £25 of book tokens and the opportunity to apply for university scholarships. She will also become a lifetime member of the Ogden Alumni.”

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Well done also to these four boys who were selected to represent the school at the Win at School competition held in Reading on Wednesday.

Harrison Pettit, Alan Joshy, James O’Connell , Christopher Villaquiran

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