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3 October 2014

Looking smart with smart work!

Many congratulations to four Year 7 students who have already gained their silver certificates. This represents 25 commendations and is to be applauded, especially this early in the school year.

Kai Benjamin 7S Jamie Martin 7E Fabio Miranda 7E James Walker 7S

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Welcome to our Director of the Learning Commons, Ben Forte.

Ben is going to further inspire our boys to read and to take opportunities to learn in new ways.

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The adventure is underway

Mr Huq reports that 97 boys have signed up for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award this year and all have received pre-expedition training from Dynamic Adventure.

This involved everything from putting tents up to using a trangia to cook as well as Health and Safety advice, first aid, kit required, orienteering, map reading and route planning.

Kit issue for the training expedition will start next week with the first nine teams (51 boys) going out on the weekend of 11/12 October. The next eight teams (46 boys) go out on the following weekend of 18/19 October

These training weekends help to develop the skills they have learnt with the help of a supervisor and will involve walking from Shaugh Bridge to Langstone Manor (Tavistock) before camping for the night.

The following morning the boys will pack up and walk on to Lydford.

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Student achievements

Mr Berryman has commended Luke Chitty 8S for running a fundraising event for Macmillan Cancer Support.

He said, “Luke approached me and asked if he could run a cake sale for Macmillan. He had seen that the charity was running similar events so wanted to do something. He arranged it all and got other members of the tutor group involved. I am very impressed with him as he took up the challenge I set Smeaton about seizing the opportunity, taking themselves outside the box and making a change.”

Very well done to Tom Baldock who, as a member of the DHSB Creative Writing Club, entered the prestigious national Foyle Young Poets competition.

He is one of 85 commended entries out of 7600: a real achievement.

Tom travelled to London for the presentation ceremony yesterday, National Poetry Day.

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Sixth Form super curriculum

Ms Davidson has shared photos of this morning’s Question Time which represent the high level participation and engagement of students in the Sixth Form super curriculum.

See #dhsqt for an insight into the spirited debate.

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Sixth Form students were also delighted to receive Jack Evans’ sister Jenny who gave a presentation on her experience of an expedition with the British Exploring Society

The BES accepts young people between the ages of 16 – 25 and Jenny believes that the exploring ethos is one that should be widely shared. She can provide workshops on finding grants, gaining sponsorship, creating social media traction and fundraising.

Ms Davidson said, “Jenny gave such a compelling and enlightening talk. She gave an inspiring description of her project but the most overwhelming message was that such an experience is accessible to anyone and wholly life affirming! Our students understood the potential impact on their personal development and many are now keen to research such an experience themselves.”

Sports updates

DHSB entered a Cross Country team in the Plymouth league held at Eggbuckland Community College this week and Mr Strang was delighted with the results.

James Walker (second Year 7) Ben Suckling (first Year 8) Jamie Williams (first Year 9)

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Michael Nutbrown 10C who featured in the Head’s Blog last Friday has since been selected to represent England as part of Team Engand at the Commonwealth Taekwondo Championships in Edinburgh in November. Congratulations Michael, we look forward to hearing about the competition.

A fiercely contested match between the 1st XI and 2nd XI in the Devon Wednesday League finished in a 4-0 victory for the A side.

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