This week has seen our annual Curriculum Challenge Week.
Staff and students have been off timetable and have shared a fantastic week of opportunities both here on site and in our residential experiences.
Special thanks are due to Mr Coombes and Mrs Donnelly who oversee the extensive administration which enables the activities to take place.
Two groups of students travelled to London (sports and culture) while another group went to Germany to take part in our annual exchange programme.
Mr Ames provided training for the Ten Tors Challenge for a group of students too.
London Sports Tour

London Cultural Experience

German Exchange Programme

Ten Tors Training

Here’s a small selection of images from around the school and local community this week where there were curriculum based activities in Art, Music, Drama, Geography, History, RS, Languages, Enterprise, Maths, Science and English.

Work Experience Placements

Don’t forget to check our Twitter hashtag #dhsbccw to see the full range of images from the week.
While all this was going on, Year 11 students were sitting their mock GCSE exams, and Year 12 and 13 were focusing on next steps planning including work shadowing, work experience placements and developing their curriculum vitae profiles.
Plymouth Foodbank Collection
A reminder that students in Edison House are continuing to collect food and toiletries for Plymouth Foodbank. The foodbank is in particular need of long life milk and fruit juice, tinned fish, biscuits and male toiletries, but all donations would be greatly appreciated so that we can make a difference to as many people as possible.
Donations can be handed into the Edison office (C13) or placed in a box in any of the Edison form rooms by Friday 7 December.

Future Events
Saturday 1 Dec – DofE training day
Monday 3 Dec – Year 11 Curriculum evening
Tuesday 4 Dec – Night navigation exercise
Wednesday 5 Dec – Year 7 Parents evening
Thursday 6 Dec – Gold DofE Parents mtg
Friday 7 Dec – Takeover day
Wednesday 12 Dec – Speech Day
Monday 17 Dec – Carol Service
Friday 21 Dec – Final day of term (normal finish at 15.20)