After what will have been seven happy and professionally rewarding years at DHSB, I will be leaving at the end of the academic year to lead The British School in the Netherlands as Principal and CEO. This is an exciting move for me professionally and for my family.
BSN is a group of four British International Schools and a Language Centre in The Hague. Here is a link to their website.
Governors have already met to have initial discussions about the steps that will lead to the appointment of my successor. We are in a strong position to appoint someone of the highest calibre to lead our outstanding school.
In the meantime there is still much to do in the next eight months and there will be no loss of momentum. The busy life of DHSB continues apace, as this Blog testifies!
Carol Service
We warmly invite you to our Carol Service, led by Year 7 students, on Monday 15 December at 7.00pm in St Andrew’s Church, Royal Parade.
This is a festive, candlelit occasion and one which always brings the Christmas spirit to DHSB.
Speech Day
We’re also looking forward to our Speech Day celebrations when we will welcome the Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Cllr Michael Fox, and Dr Ian Hodgins who will share some inspirational stories of DHSB old boys who lost their lives during World War One.

Mr Butcher has asked me to remind families to complete the Speech Day return (including permission for boys to leave the school site for the half days on 17 and 19 December).
The letter and link to the form can be found on the website under the Parents and Students section. Please contact Amanda Moore, our Family Support Advisor, if you have any problems accessing the form.
Young Enterprise Christmas Stall
Our Young Enterprise team, Sigma, will be at the Plymouth Guildhall all day tomorrow (Saturday) selling their Christmas goods. Please support them; they will be pleased to see you!

International News
“At DHSB we want to bring the world into our classrooms and help to develop students’ awareness of global issues and differing perspectives” says Miss Ball, our International Coordinator.
You can read more in the first international newsletter.
Recent events include a visit from the Israeli Youth Delegation, Nina and Elijah, who gave a presentation on their lives in Israeli followed by a discussion session. Several students asked lots of insightful and probing questions which encouraged debate and reflection on perspectives and ethics.

This week the International Links team held a creative cookery session to celebrate Thanksgiving. Students of all years worked together to create American style pancakes which were then enjoyed with themed cranberry, maple and apple sauces. Thanks to the team of sixth formers who led this session, and Miss Hunns for the use of the Food Tech room.

Speech and Drama
Congratulations to four students who entered the City of Plymouth Festival recently and achieved great success in the festival’s 100th anniversary year.
Lalit Kathiresan
Winner of the Barrett Memorial cup for the most promising U12 competitor. Commended for lyrical verse speaking and runner up in the prose speaking and sight reading classes. Trophy winner with Distinction for U12 bible reading.
Tariq Rudge
Commended for prose speaking and lyrical verse speaking.
Preet Pradeep
Winner of the Distin cup for bible reading. Runner up with Distinction for solo acting. Trophy winner for Humorous verse speaking. Trophy winner for bible reading 12 and U15 years.
Daniel Farnham
Runner up and commended for bible reading and humorous verse speaking. Trophy winner for solo verse speaking (poetry of Charles Causley)

Pictured are Tariq, Preet and Lalit
Indoor Cricket
Well done to our teams who played in the Plymouth Schools indoor cricket tournament this week.
We took the U13 title in style and go through to the Devon finals.
The U15 team also played well finishing as runners up to Plymouth College.

And finally this week
Staff and students have raised over £450 for men’s Movember health charities.
Thanks to Mr Huq and Mr McLeod for organising and supporting the fundraising efforts.