The school has joined the wider Plymouth community in supporting the families who lost their homes in the recent fire in Devonport.
The boys have agreed that funds from one of our mufti days should be donated to the families with children affected to help them with replacing toys and other support they may need.
Year 7 students are currently raising funds for Lepra, an international charity changing the lives of people affected by disease, poverty and prejudice.
Well done to Chris Mann 7C who has reached a total of £66.40 by baking a variety of cakes to sell at his parents’ workplace. This is just one example of events and activities planned and led by students.

This morning Mr Strang and Ms Randles took a group of boys to Gables Farm, a local charity, where they were able to make a donation and learn more about their work with unwanted and abandoned dogs and cats.

Student of the Week
I’m always pleased to celebrate the good things that happen inside and outside school. These boys have recently been presented with our ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Sam Cade 9C For his great attitude and achievement in IT
Matthew Walker 6N1 For supporting other students
John Moon 8W For sporting excellence in cricket
Alan Joshy 10W and James O’Connell 10W For peer mentoring and supporting other students

Sam and John

Alan and James
Student Presentations
We receive lots of invitations for our students to support local, regional and national conferences and boys will be making presentations at two high profile events in the next couple of weeks.
Vikram Thirupathirajan, School Captain, and Cian Kinsella are attending the South West Academic Trust Teaching and Learning Conference at the University of Exeter on Thursday to talk about their student research project on challenge in the classroom. They have worked on this with Mrs Green.
There are just a few places still available at the conference. Click here for more information.
Students are also supporting ‘Digital Futures 2015’ at the Devonport Guildhall on Saturday 20 June where they will be speaking with authority on the following topics:
Hands-on and interactive programming including Raspberry Pis and robotics
Gaming and virtual reality
121 digital support and help desk

Sports Update
Students have enjoyed cricket and tennis fixtures this week.

The U14 team beat Kingsbridge in the Devon Cup

Two wins and one defeat for the Year 7 team in their first round of softball cricket

Lots of great tennis on show from the Year 7/8 team despite losing to Kingsbridge