Once again, after another week, we are hearing how challenging it is for students and families during this time.
Thank you for everything that you are all doing, pulling together to do the best that we possibly can.
Just a reminder to check the FAQ document if you are unsure of anything.
Please also remember that If you have any concerns or questions don’t hesitate to contact us; we hope that you all stay safe and well during this challenging situation.
The best way for us to ensure you get the right support quickly is for you to email brief details to headteacher@dhsb.org
We are here to listen to you and support you in whatever way we can.
PSHEE Activities

This week, in response to requests from parents we have planned a two week Fitness Challenge for all year groups, linked with the PE department new DHSB stay active programme.
Details of the challenge are available in each year group's PSHEE Google Classroom.
In conjunction with this, there is another activity for each year group, also designed to be completed over two weeks.
Year 7 students will be thinking about when they were new DHSB students last September, and how they might be able to support our new students who will be joining us this year. Ms Walker, our new Transition Coordinator, will be choosing the best work to share with new students.
Year 8 students are continuing on a financial theme with their lesson this week on budgets, planning and saving.
Year 9 students are also on a money based topic. This time how the money you need for everyday, short and long term plans can be divided and how it will change over the course of our lives as priorities and responsibilities change.
Year 10 and Year 11 students are using a new careers-based resource that we have recently purchased called eClips. They will research three possible options for the future e.g. three different jobs of interest; three subjects they will aim to study at A level or university or three alternatives such as apprenticeships or college. They can also try the Career Wizard for career suggestions.
Ms Moreton
Excellent Work
Today’s examples of Excellent Work are from Year 7 students and have been sent to me by Mrs Wardle.
She says these are “Student responses to homework projects relating to their study of the environment in RS”.
There were many excellent pieces of work and Mrs Wardle has just selected a small number of these to share today, some in words and some in pictures.
I made a collage and did it on deforestation. First I got some materials from my recycling bin at home and got some orange shoe boxes, black card and brown card and some unwanted magazines. Then I had a bit of time to experiment and see what I wanted to do. I decided I would present it all on an A3 piece of black card and that I would have the left side for what a forest looks like first and should look like and then have the other side showing what happens when people burn down large parts of rainforests. I then cut out some sky pictures from a magazine and stuck that down as my background. Next, I Stuck my trees made out of cardboard down and put some uneven ground on, some more cardboard. After that, I made the flames and added some colour and happiness to the left side and I was finished. After I had finished I got some food cans and packets and like a poison pen letter, I stuck on the collage words or phrases like: the world has turned upside down; diagnosis at a glance; chopped; Warning, keep away from fire, e.t.c.

Elliot Mair
This is Crush, he is a Sea Turtle. My Dad and I made him out of recycled materials but mainly beached plastic. I chose to make him as I believe that plastic pollution is a big problem that must be stopped, it is killing the living creatures in the oceans. It is predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastic then there are fish in the sea. All animals in the ocean are affected by this and are in danger. To make this, on a weekend I went to Wembury Beach and tried to collect as much beached plastic as possible. It is really quite shocking to see how much plastic there is being washed up onto the beaches, but it is even more shocking to know that this is only a very small percentage of all the plastic that lives in the sea. I want more people to realise how much this is affecting the planet but also how much this will affect them and I want them to know that they need to help too. Not enough people understand properly what happens when they throw away their non-recyclable waste. Eventually, this may end up in your own food after the plastic has been passed from fish to fish and then on your plate. #SaveTheTurtles #SaveTheOceans #SaveThePlanet

Samuel Price

Isaac Ring

Joshua Gerson
eSafety Advice
Phishing emails have spiked by over 600% since the end of February as cyber-criminals look to capitalize on the fear and uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Barracuda Networks.
So what is phishing?
Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email. The aim of the email is to trick the recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company — the email trys to replicate a well known company so that you are tricked into filling in password/user name fields or downloading malicious content.
The most common of these attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic have been:
WHO alerts
These phishing emails are designed to look like they’re from the World Health Organisation. The email might falsely claim to link to a list of coronavirus cases in your area. “You are immediately advised to go through the cases above for safety hazard,” is an example line that tries to scare you enough to click the link.
Health advice email
These emails offer medical advice to help protect you against the coronavirus. The emails might claim to be from medical experts near Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus outbreak began. “This little measure can save you,” one phishing email says. “Use the link below to download Safety Measures.” Again the use of urgent language is trying to make you click, before you think.
Workplace policy emails
Otherwise known as spear-phishing where cybercriminals target employees’ workplace email accounts. A phishing email might begin with - “All, Due to the coronavirus outbreak, [company name] is actively taking safety precautions by instituting a Communicable Disease Management Policy.”
Tips for recognising and avoiding phishing emails (taken from Norton):
Beware of online requests for personal information. A coronavirus-themed email that seeks personal information like login information is a phishing scam. Legitimate government agencies won’t ask for that information. Never respond to the email with your personal data.
Check the email address or link. You can inspect a link by hovering your mouse button over the URL to see where it leads. Sometimes, it’s obvious the web address is not legitimate. But keep in mind phishers can create links that closely resemble legitimate addresses. Delete the email immediately.
Watch for spelling and grammatical mistakes. If an email includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, it’s likely a sign you’ve received a phishing email. Delete it.
Look for generic greetings. Phishing emails are unlikely to use your name. Greetings like “Dear sir or madam” signal an email is not legitimate.
Avoid emails that insist you act now. Phishing emails often try to create a sense of urgency or demand immediate action. The goal is to get you to click on a link and provide personal information — right now. Instead, delete the message.
Recently, The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ, launched a ‘Cyber Aware’ campaign, which offers actionable advice for people to protect passwords, accounts and devices, part of this is a service for you to forward suspicious emails - https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/information/report-suspicious-emails
Ms Buckler
Message and request from Plymouth Argyle Football Club
This week we are inviting local children from our partnered schools to write letters and messages of positivity to show support to the older generations within our local communities, write Stewart Walbridge from PAFC.
We are looking at creating a link between generations to help and support those who are most at need, through writing letters to connect and support one another.
This project is called Pen Pals with the hashtag #ArgyleConnected on social media platforms. Ideas for you to include in your letters are:
What you have been doing to keep busy
A fun fact
Draw a picture
Please do not include any personal details other than your first name.
Your letters will then be posted and distributed to members of our community programmes and over 70 season ticket holders.
Could all entries please be sent directly to plprimarystars@pafc.co.uk & stewart.walbridge@pafc.co.uk by no later than Friday 8 May.
Stewart Walbridge, PAFC