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Ian Criddle

What are you doing now?

I retired in 2013 after 16 years with Devon/Plymouth Library Service as Assistant Local and Naval Studies Librarian.

I left DHSB in 1964 having passed the Entrance Examination to become an Artificer Apprentice in the Royal Navy (RN). I retired from the RN in 1988 as a Charge Chief Artificer (Warrant Officer).

Latterly, I had been teaching Maths and English to ratings studying for GCE, so I undertook a degree course (BEd qualification). This was followed by three years of teaching in Primary Schools and then in 1997 an employment opportunity arose in the Library Service.

Any significant crossroads?

Marriage and children. Transition from military service to civilian employment. Change of career path within civilian employment. Final retirement.

Any advice for a student joining Year 7?

As a student joining DHSB in Year 7 today, you are probably more confident than I was in 1959. Use your time wisely. Whatever you learn will be of use at some time in the future, even if it doesn’t seem relevant at that moment. Enjoy your time at DHSB and never be afraid to ask questions.

And to a Sixth Form student leaving DHSB?

Your chosen career does not have to be the one you follow for ever. The most important thing is to enjoy (for the majority of the time) whatever you are doing.

Job applications – research your potential employer and show an interest at interview (it’s a tough market out there). Use any contacts you may have – network. Be prepared to take a job in a different field initially.

Volunteering can add to your CV.

Any fond memories of your time at school?

Sailing in the creek (before it was filled in).

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