What are you doing now?
I am currently on the Life Sciences Practitioner Training Programme in Cardiff derived from the new NHS pathway, to become a qualified Biomedical Scientist in a hospital specialising in Immunology and Infection sciences. I’m the Lead Representative for the Department of Biomedical Sciences, and the Conference & Promotions Manager for a Wales-wide student forum.
What route did you take up to this point?
After I left school I started a career in the Health and Fitness Industry, becoming a qualified Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise on Referral Instructor. Following this, I was given a position as a Local Project Manager for a pilot project within the NHS. During this time I undertook two years of Open University to achieve the Cert HE in Sport, Fitness and Management, and the Certificate in Health Sciences. I then applied for the NHS course in Cardiff Met which I’m currently undertaking.
What have you learnt most about yourself?
I’ve learnt that I am more capable than I first thought in undergoing further academic and professional development. I left school with the intention of performing a more hands on and less academic role, however I’ve found myself always wanting to know why things happen. Additionally, I’ve learnt that when I apply myself I can achieve more than I thought possible.
What words of wisdom would you give to a student joining DHSB in Year 7?
To new students I would say that there are undoubtedly going to be points in your studies where you will question if it’s worth it, and this is natural. It these points where it’s vital that you talk to, and listen to, your teachers, friends and family as they will help. I can assure you it’s worth it in the future.
And for a Sixth Former leaving DHSB?
If you’re going on to university, choose wisely, go to an open day, and visit the city. Talk to current students and careers advisors. It’s not that scary out there, and wherever you go there will be support in place; you’ll never have to do anything by yourself.
Do you have a message for any of your teachers?
A huge thank you to all the teachers at DHSB. Your dedication and commitment to your role is outstanding and I would not be where I am today without it. I have nothing but admiration for what you do and have fond memories lasting a lifetime.