What are you doing now?
I’m currently Parliamentary Researcher to John Glen MP, Member of Parliament for Salisbury (now part-time), and studying for a Masters in Theological Ethics at the University of Oxford. I write speeches, articles, briefings, and questions to government ministers for John, and will be returning to work for him full time.
What route did you take?
I read PPE at Oxford as an undergraduate, after leaving DHSB. After graduation I started as an intern in John Glen’s Westminster office and was subsequently offered a full time job.
Any significant crossroads?
Choosing what to do after university was a significant crossroads, and it certainly set my path to working full time in politics. However, many of my friends worked in a job for one or two years before changing, so it needn’t define your future career path.
Tell us what’s good about your career
I love working in politics. The variation of political life means that two days are never the same, and that you don’t quite know what to expect when you arrive in the morning. There is a great buzz around the Westminster village. Working in politics involves often working to tight deadlines, and thinking on your feet but also has the opportunity for extended research and thoughtful work. It’s a great combination of practical and intellectual challenge.
Do you have any fond memories of your time at school?
I remember spending free periods in Sixth Form in the music room playing jazz with my friends. We formed a quartet when we came into Sixth Form and spent a lot of time enjoying playing music together, including some performances at the school. I also always enjoyed helping out on open evenings and Year 7 inductions as there was a real sense of teamwork and a pride in being part of the school.
Do you have a message for current Sixth Form students?
Make the most of Sixth Form. It can be a fantastic environment, a time of intellectual formation before university, and the opportunity to get to know your friends really well.
Take advantage of all the opportunities to get involved in activities besides study and take on leadership roles!