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13 September 2019

Each Friday I share our theme of the week to give an opportunity for you to discuss this at home as a family with your child.

This week our theme is ‘building communities’ and this was explored in our House assemblies on Wednesday.

As you are aware ‘collaboration and community’ is part of our development plan with a specific focus on widening our engagement with the local, national and international community, and celebrating and strengthening the community within.

School News

Year 7 families have received an invitation to their first Parents in Partnership event. A reminder that a copy of this letter and all school documents can be found at this link.

Also emailed home this week was the list of school clubs and activities. A copy is available here.

As well as our school news this week I have lots of opportunities in our wider community to bring to your attention.

Adult Community Learning

We’re hosting a number of On Course South West adult community learning courses this year. These range from carpentry for beginners to an introduction to ecology, with lots of courses on healthy cooking.

190913 Oncourse food

Community Action Programme

The Real Ideas Organisation, based at Devonport Guildhall, has teamed up with The Co-op College to deliver a Community Action programme open to young people aged 14 – 19 years.

Participants will be encouraged to investigate their communities through a ‘research safari’, whilst understanding the power of their voice and telling their story. The group will engage with organisations and community groups before forming their own social action project as well as learning new digital skills such as Augmented Reality, VJ-ing and podcasting.

The programme also offers a unique opportunity for students to explore their local area from a new perspective forming a ‘tribe’ of community journalists that connect with key organisations such as Plymouth Social Enterprise Network, Nudge Community builders and the Illuminate Light Festival. There will be two sessions per week on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 4.00pm – 6.00pm.

More information about the project can be found at this link or from Jules Marshall at this email address:-

190913 Coop

Plymouth City Council – Opportunity to have your say

Plymouth City Council is taking a fresh look at the services on offer for young people in the city aged between 0 and 19. They want to serve a wider range of age groups and ensure that when young people need support, they have somewhere to go. Most people know about children’s centres, however, the city council is asking for feedback about what the future for young people should look like. It’s really important than any future services are visible and available to schools.

If you’d like to find out more about this and/or take part in the survey then please use this link to more information and the questionnaire.

If you have any questions, please use this email address:- Children’

190913 PCC

National Marine Park Party

I’ve been asked to share this open invitation to the National Marine Park Party which takes place on Saturday 14 September from 10.00am to 2.00pm on Plymouth Hoe.

Live music and free activities (including free bouncy castle and also swimming sessions at Tinside Lido on a first come, first served basis) take place throughout the day, and there will also be a chance to experience what Plymouth Sound is like underwater with the new 360 degree video using our virtual reality headsets.

190913 Marine party

Alumni News

We are very proud of former student Joe Peard.

Many staff remember Joe who had a heart transplant at Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2013 when he was a student at DHSB. He has just won a silver medal as part of the Team GB basketball team at the World Transplant Games. Well done Joe!

190913 Joe Peard

Sports Update

Mr Manley is pleased to announce that our school football club has been awarded a #stayinthegame grant from the FA and the Football Foundation.

He says this will help us to fund our participation in the Devon Wednesday League.

190913 Football

Future Events

14 – 15 September

Greenpower competition

14 September

11+ session one

18 September

PTFA meeting

21 September

11+ session two

24 September

Year 7 parents and students event – 7C and 7P

25 September

Year 7 parents and students event – 7E and 7S

26 September

Year 7 parents and students event – 7N and 7W


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