By the time you read this our intrepid staff and students will be in Malawi.
Perhaps, as I write these final Friday reflections, the spirit of adventure at Devonport High School for Boys is what I have enjoyed most about leading this community.
Thank you for your support of the school; have a wonderful summer!

Our World Challenge group will be spending time at the Dzalanyama Primary School in the Dzalanyama Forest Reserve close to the Mozambican border. They will be helping to build a school room.
Communication will be limited but any news received will be shared by Mr Huq via his Twitter account (@tayhuq).
Please take time to read the summer edition of DHSB Today which reflects on the past and looks forward to the future.
Our international links are very strong. Here Miss Ball reminds us of the partnerships we have developed this year.
The Orienteering Club has just completed their summer series of training events with a run and BBQ at Burrator.
After some very hard fought races Dan Harris was the eventual winner overall.

Jamie Williams, Sam Cade, Jack Williams, Callum West, Alex Patton, George Irving,
Dan Harris and Charlie Sumpton