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22 October 2020

This week's assembly theme is 'embracing challenge'.

In his whole school assembly Mr Manley asked students to reflect on the challenges that they have faced in the first half term.

The assembly also celebrated individuals who have embraced and overcome challenges and explored the personal benefits of challenging yourself regularly.

Mr Manley talked about why we should all embrace challenge and outlined these six benefits and reasons:-

Identify strengths

Develop resilience

Master our emotions

Social growth

Cultivate leadership

Develop and build character

During the assembly Mr Manley congratulated and named the students who have recently gained their Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award, and shared the latest release from The Native.

Year 11 Revision Workshop

Well done to 90 Year 11 students who attended this year's revision workshop yesterday after school. This was a chance for the students to explore different revision techniques, think about nutrition and lifestyle choices, how to use digital devices effectively and the do's and don'ts of dealing with exam stress. The commitment and focus from all the students involved was outstanding.

Thank you to Mr Martin for his time and effort in supporting our Year 11 students. 

Designation as an EdTech National Demonstrator School

We are delighted to share the news with you that DHSB has been selected to become one of the 40 EdTech national demonstrator schools and colleges due to our excellence in using digital technology.

The demonstrator schools and colleges will provide professional development, initially focussed on supporting the effective delivery of remote teaching practices to schools and colleges across the country. The programme will target schools and colleges which are most in need of support for example those getting to grips with using a new online learning platform and those with the most disadvantaged learners.

Excellent Work

Thank you to Ms Welton for sharing this excellent work from Year 7 History.

7S were give the creative task of re-telling the story of the Battle of Hastings.

Thomas Sweeting

Louis Kleckham Ager

Joseph Waine

Student News

Well done to Charlie Grinsted 8P. Charlie is a keen climber and has recently achieved his NICAS (national indoor climbing award scheme) level 3 qualification.

Congratulations also to Charlie Hutchings 7C. Charlie was fortunate enough to gain a place in the Devon Youth Wind Orchestra and, although sadly the first rehearsal was cancelled in person, rehearsals have now run successfully on two occasions via Zoom.

Tutors and students have adapted and been able to virtually play music together and Charlie is enjoying the opportunity to play at county level.

Alumni News

This week we are sharing news about David King, a former student and five time British Champion (110 hurdles).

His dream is to compete at the Tokyo Olympics, delayed from 2020 to 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

David said, “ Unfortunately, like many of us, the pandemic has thrown my financial situation and future plans into disarray since the Olympics are now due to be held in 2021.

He added, “I am a completely self-funded athlete and I now only earn money through competing. 2020 has seen the cancellation of many competitions and a reduction in the prize money on offer at the few competitions that were able to be held. I have set up a GoFundMe page in the hope that I can raise enough money to keep training until the 2021 Olympics”.

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