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4 February 2022

Many thanks to Annie Vernon (Olympic silver medallist in rowing), the Youth Sport Trust and the Plymouth School Sports Partnership for delivering training to a group of our Year 9 students who are now Young Mental Health Champions.

Mr Manley, Assistant Head, tells us more.

He says, “The one-day seminar focused on how to develop the knowledge, skills and qualities of a group of young people to undertake the role of a Young Mental Health Champion. The day included theory and practical ideas using the Youth Sport Trust YMHC resources. This seminar was delivered by former Olympic athlete Annie Vernon”.

Key seminar objectives included:-

Developing a group of empathetic and proactive young people into a team of Young Mental Health Champions

Supporting schools/settings to deploy and use the young people to improve the mental health of a target groups of students

Providing training and support for YMHCs and teachers to effectively use resources and content

Excellent Work

Our examples of Excellent Work this week are from Mr Morris.

He said, “Year 8 students have been learning to use Onshape; an online design software system. After being shown the features by me they were given the task of trying to produce a drawing to impress me and show off their skills which I think they have managed”.

Well done.

Cosmo Searls 8E

Oliver Brumpton 8E

Rohan Linden 8P

Joss Redsell 8C

Tom Rickard 8N

Half Term Holiday Club

21 - 25 February 2022

We have lots of amazing activities planned for our February holiday club and children from 8 to 12 years of age are welcome, including those from the wider community.

Activities include a geek-out digital day, Amp Up Parkour and Hip Hop Workshop, Plymouth Music Workshop, Plymouth Argyle Community Trust and a marvellously medieval day.

Each day is broken down into two two-hour sessions with a 45 minute lunch break and an awards ceremony at the end of each day. Mr Campbell confirmed there are daily prizes to be won!

We've also added a early drop-off breakfast club.

Student News

Many congratulations to Alex Francis-Hale 8S who represented DHSB at the school zonal trampolining competition last week and qualified for the school nationals in Macclesfield, later this spring.

This is a fantastic achievement as there were children from the southwest, south and southeast of the country also competing.

We wish Alex all the best for the nationals.

Many congratulations also to Ruben Montague 7W who has been offered a two-year contract with Plymouth Argyle Football Club Academy following a trial.

Very well done Ruben!

PSHEE Activities

Year 7 students this week had a lesson led by the peer mentors on bus safety and making choices in behaviour. The exception was 7P who had their First Aid lesson, and will catch up with the bus lesson on 18 February.

Year 8 students had a discussion based lesson regarding family issues. They talked about various common problems that can arise in family communication, and also considered how the context of the word ‘Families’ has changed since their parents' and grandparents' generations.

Year 9 students have been finishing off their presentations to send to either Babcock, Princess Yachts or Bailey Partnership as part of their employer challenge project. The companies will judge these and give feedback at a future date after half term. Year 9 also looked at some study skills ideas on Wednesday after their assembly, to support exam preparation. There will be more to follow in the second half of term.

Year 10 students had a presentation from Judy Kay representing ASK (Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge) introducing them to the apprenticeship site and explaining the different levels of apprenticeship, as well as how to apply or search for vacancies. They will have an opportunity next week to register which we recommend even if current plans are for A levels and university.

Circumstances change and a level 4 or 5 apprenticeship after A levels may well seem more appealing than university when the time comes to apply, with a wider and wider variety of apprenticeships available each year.

It is always sensible to remain informed about all options.

Year 11 students had a wide reaching lesson on SRE (sex and relationships education) covering pornography, social media, consent, STIs and pregnancy. This builds on and expands information they received earlier in their school career. After half term they will also have a further lesson on safe relationships, covering controlling behaviours leading to coercive control.

Sports Update

Table Tennis

Mr Carpenter says students had a fantastic day at the schools county table tennis championships with excellent all round performances and medals in all ages entered.

These include silver and bronze at U13, bronze at U16, silver and bronze at U19 boys and the same in the U19 girls (history makers).

Well done to everyone involved.


DHSB played the first school U16 hockey match of the season last night against Plymstock. This was great preparation for the regional tournament at Millfields next week and Mr Campbell says it was really good to see our students out there enjoying playing hockey again.


Students had great fun at the Plymouth School Sports Partnership Belgium football event on Tuesday. Another little bit of DHSB history was made as this was the first team to play in this format.

Well done for all your hard work and determination.

The Year 10 team played Coombe Dean this week and won the match 4 - 2.

Mr Manley reports that the first XI are through to the Devon Football Association midweek cup semi-final after beating City Police 5 - 3 on Wednesday.

Congratulations to the team.

Indoor Cricket

Well done also to the DHSB U13 indoor cricket team who took first place in the Devon Cricket tournament this last Friday.

The team has qualified for the county finals.

Indoor Athletics

A good performance too at the U13 indoor athletics finals.

The Year 8 and Year 7 teams came second and fifth respectively

Mr Carpenter said “Thanks to DHSG for teaming up and to the Plymouth School Sports Partnership for organising”.

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